Author Topic: If you won 1.8 Billion.  (Read 4080 times)

 I'd buy my parent's a nice house with a large backyard. Then create a walk-in pool inside the backyard having a beach/sandy shore design. Probably 50 long 40ft wide and the deepest part will be 10ft deep.

 Inside the large pool is a house on a concrete base dedicated to my room, and living space. It will have a walkway to the main house.

 Two stories high (3 if roof counts) with a nice view high ceilings. The roof has water escape systems for rain but on hot days it's used as a tanning area or just a place to hang out.

 I'll sleep on a second floor with an amazing 180 degree view window showing the flat horizon and patches of hills and trees.

 The first floor will contain my office near large glass windows, small kitchen, and dining table enough for 12 people. Maybe a few storage areas, but wardrobes will be in my room.

 Next I'll spend lots of money to buy an expensive computer, and a large television.
Work out equipment, and a grill.

 Then a Jellyfish tank  :cookieMonster:

I would give it to charity and Japan

I would go to colledge and persue my dream career.

If I were to win,
I would buy a haiku machine.
That would make life great.

If I were to win,
I would buy a haiku machine.
That would make life great.

 Ogod, that's great!
 The whole Haiku thing.

I'd probably donate all but 250 million, and use that in CD's and stocks so I can provide for the next 2 or 3 generations of Chester's.  :D

If I were to win,
I would buy a haiku machine.
That would make life great.
That's 8 syllables.
You really need a haiku machine.

That's 8 syllables.
You really need a haiku machine.
And that was the joke.
You need a humor machine,
My good Kalphiter

Really?  You like it down there?

I highly prefer Colombia, I would embrace the drug trade and make bajillions.

It was literally the first country that came to mind.

Actually the first country was Libya but I don't want to buy Libya.

I would purchase BL from badspot, and release a patch that deletes everyone's saves and add-ons  :cookieMonster:


loving THIS
Quote from: From user whos name I don't remember
A guy named this, loving another guy named this.


Lots of easy-to-use software and a small company that is dedicated to dancing to silly music (aka dubstep)