Author Topic: Hello forumers. I am new here (to the forums.)  (Read 3293 times)


He's already admitted to another account
im secretly shinedown
unless i'm just stupid and that he's sarcastic

Yaaaaay, you like Homestuck! :D

A very shinedown-esk introduction.

More than likely an alt.
yeah but his avatar is nothing like an avatar shinedown would get

and welcome to the blockland forums :D

Ive been lurking since I got my key in 2009.
I've been lurking since 2009, but started playing in 2008. :P


Yaaaaay, you like Homestuck! :D

Tons of people do C:

Also welcome to the place that is this place because there's really no words to describe it (wretched hive of scum and villainy maybe?)

Run while you still can! Many horrible tortures await you! The mountain elves may capture you! Perhaps the admins ma discover your existence and ban--

User was banned for this post.

User was banned for this post.
that can get you banned, I think

User was unbanned for this post.
that can get you banned, I think
I can be banned for being banned? Paradox?

Thanks. By the way, I love your club electro loops in the music section. Oh and is there a limit to bumping topics?

Thank you :3 And nope, there is no limit.

Yes there is. Like three months or something.

User was unbanned for this post.I can be banned for being banned? Paradox?
You can get banned for real if you fake bans.