Author Topic: Becoming an actor? What should I do?  (Read 1862 times)

So I'v recently been to a lot of acting groups and auditions, I'v got parts in stuff such as Waterloo Road and Nickelodeon shows. But I haven't got into anything big up until now. While doing an audition, my Talent Agent called and she said she found a lead role for me in this American movie coming in 2013, so here is whats happening. She talked to the directors about it and they said its almost certain that if I took the audition I would get the role, but the thing thats bugging me is, I don't really know if I'm ready. I mean I'v talked to my friends about it and they said "GO FOR IT!!!" but they don't understand that this kind of thing takes up your life, I mean its not going to be easy, it could effect my grades in school and I really don't know if I want to go this far with
What do you guys think?
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 12:29:00 PM by chrisd »

This is the wrong community to ask life questions. Try SMWC.

But on topic, I must suggest going for it. If you keep yourself out of the bad stuff, it can be a wonderful experience.

Oh no I was just wondering what everyone on Blockland thought. Hmm I'm think about it, got to be quick though I only have 2 days to decide

on live TV, remember to reference blockland

I suggest you go for it. It is a great opportunity.

Are you gonna buy me stuff when you're famous :D?

It's a great opportunity, just remember that child actors get it tough and 64% (RANDOM STATISTIC PULLED OUT OF MY ASS) of child stars have their life ruined.

But go for it, bro. Just be careful and don't lose a sense of direction.

Edit: And what's the movie called?

1. I'm not a kid
2. I don't know the movie's name Sam (the director) is going to give me details next week if I go for it

Am I the only one who thinks OP is bullstuffting?

Am I the only one who thinks OP is bullstuffting?
There's no real way to know for sure or not.

At least until he mentions BL on television.

There's no real way to know for sure or not.

At least until he mentions BL on television.
And the forums get flooded with a huge wave of 7 year olds..

Go for it
this might be your one chance to go bigtime
if you pass it you might not get another chance
(who was you in waterloo road? :O
Someone in the background?)

Hmm BUT CAN YOU ALL think seriously about this I only now have a day. If I take it, its gonna take up my life. And in Waterloo Road I was a background guy