Author Topic: THE BLOCKLAND BILDING PRO  (Read 16128 times)

Rapid Fire Ion Cannons. Also known as the Death Ion Cannon.
"Those bots gona run around killing life as we know it!"

"Those bots gona run around killing life as we know it!"
Atleast my army will be the last survivor.


Ahem. Gentlemen, we have retaken Building 6 although with Heavy casualities. Allow me to show you a by-stander photo recovered from a dead civilian near the fight.

Sam Papa, the last fort to the border of my country has also repelled the invaders. Congratulations Gentlemen.

But then they will kill themselves! :o

I wonder what happened to ACM City.

So Demo House is left in a pile of ashes and crud. Our cameras were destroyed, one by one...

MEANWHILE; back at the fort along a dirt road, we build up an army of clanes. They haven't found Dustlands yet so I used that save for Dustlands to keep safe in. Water is being pumped from a distant aquaduct some eighty miles away and food is being grown only about ten miles along the road on each side, bast where the C-ramps are.
Over at the Labratories we find out that merging two portals makes a mirrorlike surface that shoots you  out when you shoot yourself in. This may be useful for confuzing the clones. We make our own cloning lab, and I make copys of myself to build an army of people who do what I want them to do at all times. We have admin-wanded stuff out of our way and we're coming to Fort Papa. For defense we'll block off the enemy with solid blocks painted invisible just behind window panes and make it admincam proof...
We're looking around the BLOCKGlobe for Squideey. has anyone seen hime since last week? If so report him to me in a PM. I'll get his coordinstes BMS (By myself), I just need to know the map.

Pirate town with the bridges that I really like to use is being wrecked by the clones. Armies of Squideey will be needed to repel 9,241 Bilder Pro Clones. Their numbers are growing like mad. There are over nine thouzand of them now...

OH, and THE BLOCKLAND BILDING PRO seems to have an IQ of 2.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2011, 07:50:09 AM by nariofan101 »

.... I wonder if the BILDING PRO will ever see this topic.

.... I wonder if the BILDING PRO will ever see this topic.
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I heard voices on my roof

"we ar........ildng pros........our mi....ukes will crus.....e ion cann.....rmy.........over."

apparently the ion cannon fleet is screwed

Just don't let the clones find a way out of Blockland (*cough* Internet *cough*), they may start invading Minecraft! In creeper form!

Just don't let the clones find a way out of Blockland (*cough* Internet *cough*), they may start invading Minecraft! In creeper form!

We must work together and create a mob-free fort and craft many swords and bows for our defenses! We need recruits!

Suddenly, a cab came raging down the streets, full of Blockland Bilding Pros, shooting Mini-Nukes everywhere they pass. A pong shield was shielding the cab from any outside assaults...

I wonder what happened to ACM City.
Intel reports that ACM isn't safe. A small army of PROS are headed their way.

This thread has gotten OUT of CONTROL! I shall join this war once I finish my base.