Author Topic: Portal Two: A new Test Subject  (Read 4858 times)

Keonesan Gtfo of this thread please

You need to stop posting here, not "rip stuff" if you don't care.

I didn't say I didn't care. I'm saying that he should come up with his own ideas. It's called creativity.

Keonesan Gtfo of this thread please

Oh the irony. Look who's the one to talk.

I didn't say I didn't care. I'm saying that he should come up with his own ideas. It's called creativity.

Oh the irony. Look who's the one to talk.
(Facepalm) Gtfo if your going to be a richardhead

(Facepalm) Gtfo if your going to be a richardhead

Having an opinion =/= being an starfish

Having an opinion =/= being an starfish
Your opinion isn't welcome here and should be taken somewhere else.

This thread is going to stay here whether you like it or not, and all you're doing is stirring up stuff.

Your opinion isn't welcome here and should be taken somewhere else.

This thread is going to stay here whether you like it or not, and all you're doing is stirring up stuff.
O_O Someone isnt yelling at me to forget off too as i tell someone ELSE to forget off and

Your opinion isn't welcome here and should be taken somewhere else.

This thread is going to stay here whether you like it or not, and all you're doing is stirring up stuff.

I never said I wanted this thread gone. I'm just saying that originality should be taken into consideration.

Btw I don't ever recall this forum being communist and having an opinion illegal.

I'm not stirring stuff up, you guys are just taking my opinion too seriously. If you don't like it you can just ignore it.

O_O Someone isnt yelling at me to forget off too as i tell someone ELSE to forget off and

English please?

I never said I wanted this thread gone. I'm just saying that originality should be taken into consideration.

Btw I don't ever recall this forum being communist and having an opinion illegal.

I'm not stirring stuff up, you guys are just taking my opinion too seriously. If you don't like it you can just ignore it.

English please?

It's because we're taking it seriously that you're stirring it up, and if you don't want us complaining, maybe you should just get out.

It's because we're taking it seriously that you're stirring it up, and if you don't want us complaining, maybe you should just get out.

I don't mind you complaining. That's the point of a debate. To hear the other end. You act as if you can't take criticism.

Also I don't ever recall you having the right to tell me to get out. Maybe if you kindly asked I might have considered it.

Also I don't ever recall you having the right to tell me to get out.

Get out.  All you have to say about this topic is that people shouldn't do anything relating to already existing games/ideas, which is the most bullcrap thing I have ever heard.  Now, you are just in here to defend yourself.

Get out.  All you have to say about this topic is that people shouldn't do anything relating to already existing games/ideas, which is the most bullcrap thing I have ever heard.  Now, you are just in here to defend yourself.

Ok, it may be good to expand upon an idea and improve upon it but when you're blatantly copying the storyline with just different names then that's going too far.

I don't see why people find it so hard to come up with their own content.

A mod is a good example. It creates its own storyline or adds more onto the game. It doesn't just change the player model, that would be a reskin. That's what this thread is, a new skin.

Also what's wrong about defending myself? I have an opinion and I'm going to stand by it until proven otherwise.

EDIT: Speaking of reskins, nice job copying Skip's avatar.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2011, 12:24:57 AM by keonesan »

Now we are getting somewhere.  I'm going to ignore the part about Skips avatar, because that is obvious, and pointing it out is either something desparate, or stupid, and I don't really care which.  Well, so much for ignoring...  Anyway, yes expanding upon the idea is nice, but the idea itself is just impossible in the first place, much less dumb.  To never copy content would mean that we would have only one kind of everything.  But now you are confusing me talking about modding the game, after complaining about people "ripping stuff from other games."  What you call an opinion is an ignorant.....

Wait.... crap, I just realized i've been posting in the wrong thread.  I thought this was the thread for making portal two related addons in suggestions and requests.  Still, most of what I said applies, you don't need to attack new things because they aren't the most original.

Oh boy more fanwanking over the most overhyped game of the decade.

Oh boy more fanwanking over the most overhyped game of the decade.

Not just overhyped, its also the best.  People would have hyped even more if they knew how awesome it is.

Now we are getting somewhere.  I'm going to ignore the part about Skips avatar, because that is obvious, and pointing it out is either something desparate, or stupid, and I don't really care which.  Well, so much for ignoring...  Anyway, yes expanding upon the idea is nice, but the idea itself is just impossible in the first place, much less dumb.  To never copy content would mean that we would have only one kind of everything.  But now you are confusing me talking about modding the game, after complaining about people "ripping stuff from other games."  What you call an opinion is an ignorant.....

Wait.... crap, I just realized i've been posting in the wrong thread.  I thought this was the thread for making portal two related addons in suggestions and requests.  Still, most of what I said applies, you don't need to attack new things because they aren't the most original.

I don't mean being perfectly original. Originality comes with not only making new concepts but taking old concepts AND IMPROVING THEM. Not blatantly copying them. You're obviously missing the point.

Oh boy more fanwanking over the most overhyped game of the decade.

What he said. Well at least next to the call of duty franchise. That's even worse.

Not just overhyped, its also the best.  People would have hyped even more if they knew how awesome it is.

It still has flaws though and shouldn't be loving worshiped like a god. You're as bad as a call of duty fanboy.