Author Topic: [Download] Torquescript Syntax Highlighting for Notepad++  (Read 9744 times)

I noticed there was a lack of syntax highlighting for Torquescript, so I made my own. Please tell me anything you don't like about it or think should be changed.

Download Here
  • download file
  • open Notepad++
  • in the View menu, click "User Defined Dialogue..."
  • Click Import and select the file you downloaded
  • restart Notepad++
  • in the Language menu, you should now see a language called Torquescript at the bottom. Select it, and you're ready to go.

Here's an example file if you'd like it: Download example file

EDIT: link should be fixed
« Last Edit: April 22, 2011, 02:09:48 PM by Greek2me »

I Don't have an google account.

I Don't have an google account.
Fixed, I had the permissions set wrong. Try again

Regular C# highlighting works fine, for me

What exactly is the difference?

Basically I just added tagged strings, and all the keywords and operators. Took me about 10 minutes.

Can you make %variables have the entire word coloured?

Can you make %variables have the entire word coloured?
try this out:

O yeah, remove the normal version first, I forgot to change the name on this one.

Regular C# highlighting works fine, for me

Same. Seems like more work than it's worth... I'd try it if I wasn't unstable today.

Seems like more work than it's worth...
It probably is. Like I said, it only took me about 10 minutes to make.

still need a google account...
this sound really cool, If i could download it without making an account on google I most certainly would, it would beat using notepad 2 by a lot.

I am on a different computer, using Firefox, and clicking the links took me directly to download, I guess it was IE...