Author Topic: Airport  (Read 4232 times)

Heres my airport. i originally made it for Nitramtj to use for tests, but now i just love it. its onle about 5400 brciks too. surprising, i know.



Heh, pretty nice, I'd like to see that live.

plane but realistic[size=0pt]lol pun[/size]

i want that save... and use it for airshow

i agree plain but still nice
7 or so out of 10

It is very plane, I give it a 7/10

However, I'll be willing to help you with a new and improved airport... my dad is a pilot, and I have tried building an airport on here before... but it sucked

Using my lazyness, and YOU'RE building power... we will build the coolest airport ever

I expect this project to take about a month.  We will go gate by gate, room by room... and yes... we'll even make our own planes.

How about it?  It's probably 2 weeks to 2 months worth of work... but if we pull it off it could be amazing!!!

(I think big, and try hard to not do what I dream of... EXCEPT FOR NOW!)

3/5 for making it. Its better then most have done.

dont know oogly. we can try, but dont expect me to be able or willing to spend every free minute of mine working on it. I have grades to keep up, and things to do, believe it or not. i know, its surprising for many people in this community.    :p

hay gast how big is the landing strip? as in how many 32 did you use?

Gastro... make a server or something thats private, and tell me pass...  While you stand on your head and belch the abc's backwards while doing spins for 3 minutes.  Once you're done with THAT tell me, and I shall give you another meaningless task.

6.5/10 needs to be filled up more. ie: food court, shops, chairs, bathrooms
aslo, you need to get bailed out by the government at least once (lol)

sweet your lucky

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« Last Edit: February 15, 2008, 06:21:16 PM by Badspot »

Dude, your an idiot, GTFO!

You don't bump almost year old topics!