Author Topic: My First Map BrickBuild Island  (Read 12453 times)

A small island with a few trees meant for freebuilds but has other purposes.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2011, 09:49:03 PM by MonkeyFunkyMonkey »

Interesting terrain... although I would get rid of the super spikes going on over there... but maybe that's just me.

I think you're forgetting a download link.
Also yeah, the spikes don't look so great.

I think you're forgetting a download link.
Also yeah, the spikes don't look so great.

I dont really like island maps.

I dont really like island maps.
I dont really like this font.

looks ok for a first map.

'Sharp' mountains. loving ugly.

Everything other than that is flawless. Perfect textures, it brings just.. a great.. essence. I like it. 9/10

What about the super smooth landscape?

The mountains need lots of work

How can you build with lumpy terrain?