Author Topic: Oh hai der.  (Read 8573 times)

Here's how I read OP: I'm a girl, buy me games so I can show you my clit! I like videogames!.


Want to meet a creep?

They're all waiting since you posted this.


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Nobody is going to buy you games.

This is like selling yourself for money, but on the minor side.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2011, 12:37:54 PM by Citrus »

i em chiiiick.
Ihas steam.
But i dont go begging people to gift me things >.>

Op is an attention whore.

Will you kiss me if I give you mommy's credit card?

So I'm like a girl, I like video games, I'm a girl, I like anime, I'm a girl, and did I mention I'm a girl gamer.

Not that any of you have ever talked to one before, but go easy on me and I might like you. I <3 all of you. As long as you'll buy me a few games on Steam:

Anyway, like it says on my profile here is a pic of me:

I might send you nudes if you're real nice and buy me a lot of stuff. Also if you want to buy me a decent gaming computer so I don't have to play on low settings all the time message me and I'll tell you where to send.

Anyway, I'm a girl be nice to me you nerds.
guys btw i'm a girl.
you should give me stuff and then i be your gf.
we can has secks noa.if u grant me stuff.
did i tell i was gierl?

-translation for the simple minded out there-

hi guis im girle cna i haz gaems?!

pic of me 2 proof:

WOW i'll give you some stuff for nudes i realy like your arms, your so skinny!

Obvious forum reaction is obvious.

This forum always reacts to people like this. Notably Iban (and others) always declare bullstuff and think they know how to handle trolls/alts, when they're really just feeding them to an extraordinary level.

If you really want to shut down this troll, don't post here. If "she" doesn't get attention, she won't go on with the charade. I'm really stating the obvious, but it's incredible that you all don't realize that.

Now I suggest, before we further dump our common sense down the stuffter, we stop posting here and stop encouraging the op to be handicapped. But by all means, don't let me stop you from whoring yourself out to an alternate slut who just wants your money. Honestly I'm surprised she hasn't been banned yet.

you must be one of those special girl gamers
the one who has to mention every other second that she's a girl.

im sure theres a comic somewhere that describes what youre doing

How old are you exactly?

You play games and have a vagina.


You play games and have a vagina.


*Thumbs up*