Author Topic: La Moustache  (Read 23414 times)


Pony avatars is an avatar fad.
Well thank god I'm not forcing one!

That's not direct force. He's just telling you what you can do with different wording..

Have love with me.

love with La Moustache > love with pony cigarettes

Notice so far that only the pony cigarettes object to stache.

Notice so far that only the pony cigarettes object to stache.
I would but
1) dont exactly know exactly how :C
2) Cant do it on this pc
3) have to resize it D:

Ponies look better with staches. :>

Now my avatar is even more sinister.

EDIT: Step 1: Right-click the picture of the moustache on the OP and hit "Save Picture As..."
Step 2: Go into Paint.
Step 3: Open your avatar.
Step 4: Click "Paste From..." at the top-left corner of the screen.
Step 5: Paste the moustache.
Step 6: Align the moustache with the upper lip of your avatar. If your avatar is not anthropomorphic, you fail.
Step 7: Save.
Step 8: Set moustachioed avatar as avatar in Blockland forums.
Step 9: Go to the "La moustache" topic in the Off-Topic board.
Step 10: Comment.

EDIT PART DEUX: 6th in command?
« Last Edit: May 26, 2011, 04:15:21 PM by Man 2 »

I would but
1) dont exactly know exactly how :C
2) Cant do it on this pc
3) have to resize it D: