Author Topic: It seems ive lost my key.  (Read 1902 times)


I have changed my computer a few months back, and with it my email. I currently have no way to acess my old email, therefore, I cannot get my key. So I cant play blockland [worst part] and am bored of everything else. Ive emailed support with no reply, and like noted, recently pmed badspot, but ive read people with similar problems to mine arnt getting a reply.


I don't really see how anyone can help you out here.  :panda: Summary: screwed.

I honestly don't want to spend money on the same exact thing ive already spent money on, but I may have to :/

Wouldn't it work if you copey your key.dat file and past it in the new Blockland folder?

Im on a new computer, I dont think I have it on this one..?

Im on a new computer, I dont think I have it on this one..?
Dang then you might have to buy a new key sorry.

Badspot generally helps, but he is busy so be patient.
In the mean time, I suggest trying a bit harder to obtain that key.
why exactly is it that you can't access your old email?

If you can't log into your old email, try password recovery. If the key.dat is still on your old comp, just copy/paste it over a flash drive. If you've registered your account to the forums, the Badspot should be able to help you.

I cant acess it because I sent it to the old default email that is like microsoft outlook. For some reason on this nw computer I dont have it, every time I click on the button, it says its not properly installed.

Well guys, Ive deicided to just re-buy a key, its worth it anyways.

Well of course it sent the key to the WRONG EMAIL AGAIN!
this is QUITE frustrating.

Well of course it sent the key to the WRONG EMAIL AGAIN!
this is QUITE frustrating.

Dude, you seriously didn't check to make sure it would be sent to the right email after the previous incident?

Key.dats will not copy properly.

So, if you pasted it into the blockland folder, it will not work.
I have no idea why, but it will never work.

Well of course it sent the key to the WRONG EMAIL AGAIN!
this is QUITE frustrating.

Learn a lessson: never  delete old email just because you have a new pc.
and yyeah, you need an activation key to post here.
explain that.