Author Topic: Cars. (V2)  (Read 69635 times)

Since the other thread is (barely) too old, I figured I'd repost this thread. I've been a car lover ever since I was a little kid and to this day I can name most any car I see on the road except for the older like eighties and some nineties. My dad even asked me today how the hell I know most any make and model of most cars, and I didn't even know how to answer.

I've always liked cars. They just fascinate me, as does the concept of driving. I plan on taking some kind of engine class next year in my junior year because it's just interesting.

Anyway, a car I'm particularly fond of;

The 2011 Dodge Charger;

The body style is gorgeous in my opinion, and these bitches have power. Most do have Hemis after all.

My dad's car.

Anyway share your lovey cars. :D
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 10:41:19 AM by Caution »


My mom just started leasing this:

'Cept it's orangish yellow.

The new Ponys are really nice. :o

That Skyline is pretty lovey but the red or pink or whatever it is looks odd.

I prefer older cars im planning on getting a 1972 Toyota Celica or a 1970 Toyota land cruiser once I get a job.

That Skyline is pretty lovey but the red or pink or whatever it is looks odd.

Yeah, I prefer rims to be completely matte black, but it's lovey none-the-less.

Feast your gasoline-loving eyes upon this electrical beauty:

Is that one of those new Volt things? :o

Is that one of those new Volt things? :o
2012 Chevy Volt, yes.

holy loving JESUS christ in god damned hell ON EARTH that Volt thing is lovey|_2008_Chevy_Retention_|_IMG_Chevy_Volt_|_Chevy_Volt_|_chevy_volt&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Retention-Chevy-IMG_Chevy_Volt&utm_content=Search&utm_term=chevy_volt

For those interested.

1962 Volkswagen Microbus <3