Author Topic: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, and general information.  (Read 323655 times)

If you go to the doctor and tell them you get nauseous they'll prescribe some anti nausea pills that work really well.
I used to get them because my birth control made me get really sick but now I just use them if I'm planning on drinking or eating a lot of food
theyre meant for people going through chemotherapy because you can get really sick from the drugs involved. It works really well, just sayin

Why did you have to use birth control?

I thought you weren't straight?
are you talking to me
Why did you have to use birth control?
I have depression so along with my antidepressants the birth control helps stabilize my hormones so I dont get really emotional and sad when I'm on my period

are you talking to meI have depression so along with my antidepressants the birth control helps stabilize my hormones so I dont get really emotional and sad when I'm on my period

Oh so it prevents you from being promiscuous?

Nvm you answered my question. I thought you used birth control literally.

Oh so it prevents you from being promiscuous?
No haha. It prevents mood swings. When you're on your period your hormones get kind of messed up so it's easy to get mood swings. Birth control helps stabilize the hormones so it keeps me from getting really depressed or upset

No haha. It prevents mood swings. When you're on your period your hormones get kind of messed up so it's easy to get mood swings. Birth control helps stabilize the hormones so it keeps me from getting really depressed or upset

Oh my apologies for the misunderstanding, I didn't know that birth control could hold other benefits too.

So I decided to take a break from bud because my tolerance was through the roof, figured I'd go for a month minimum.
Last night some chicks from a bar in town came over and were shouting me joints and booze like it was going outa style, and when there's babes offering free drugs to take with them its hard to say no.
So yeah, time to start again...

Oh my apologies for the misunderstanding, I didn't know that birth control could hold other benefits too.
Birth control holds so many benefits for girls it's kind of surprising not every girl takes it. There's the obvious factor that it prevents pregnancy, which is debatable whether or not it's a good thing but that's a discussion for another place. Then there's tons of other benefits that come from the stabilization of hormones, chiefly the stabilization of menstrual cycles and elimination of problems caused by hormonal fluctuations including mood swings, acne, cramps, etc. Obviously BC doesn't solve all of these problems for all girls, but it's a common first-line method at solving these problems.

Also, I'm not sure anybody can go to the doctor and get prescribed antiemetics. They're not really prone to abuse but they could easily become habit forming if used in excess to combat potential nausea. Like all other prescription drugs, you probably need a good reason to get prescribed antiemetics which in Bubbagum's case would be her BC-induced nausea. Complaining about frequent nausea would probably prompt a doctor to look into why you're getting that symptom rather than simply trying to rid you of that symptom, which in the case of a fraudulent claim would obviously be a bad thing. I always exercise caution when requesting specific drugs from doctors, they generally become weary when you know what you want when you walk into their office.

Eh, sometimes after school with my friends on Fridays we use vaporizers with different juices.

Oh so it prevents you from being promiscuous?

Jesus christ you're so loving weird

ah man, the first beautiful spring day, tomorrow i'll fix my bike but for now i can just sit here and melt a little :)

ah man, the first beautiful spring day, tomorrow i'll fix my bike but for now i can just sit here and melt a little :)
i love melting

have fun melting

What do you guys know about ethylphenidate?