Author Topic: Variable giving  (Read 2762 times)

As requested here.

This mod basically runs a few checks (target exists, non-negative input) and then takes the amount from the giver and gives it to the target, in the same manner as Honorable's variable granting mod.


/GiveVariable target variable amount - Self-explanatory.


Do want

no more gay variable transactions to other players through bricks in RPGs :D

So whats the difference between this and Honorable's?

So whats the difference between this and Honorable's?
This gives the amount to the target from you, instead of spawning it out of nowhere.

This gives the amount to the target from you, instead of spawning it out of nowhere.
Ah ok. Downloading.

Thanks! :)
I've been messing around with is.
I am not sure that I'm using it correctly though.
/GiveVariable Uno_Da_Cat Cash 100
And it doesn't seem to do anything.
In my server Var Cash is bound to player.
So does it have to be a client Variable?

In my server Var Cash is bound to player.
So does it have to be a client Variable?

Alright, That might make things a little difficult, but still workable.
Im gonna test it some more.

Alright, That might make things a little difficult, but still workable.
Im gonna test it some more.
I've been testing this alot, Even with Client Variable.
Still doesn't work. I am starting to think it literally doesn't do anything O.o
1. The other people don't see any difference in the variables when given
2. It doesn't care if I am Var <= 0   or not. It just gives out anyways.

I've been testing this alot, Even with Client Variable.
Still doesn't work. I am starting to think it literally doesn't do anything O.o
That's weird. Try hosting and I'll come and try helping you out with it.
2. It doesn't care if I am Var <= 0   or not. It just gives out anyways.
It checks the input so you can't do "/give uno cash -5000" and steal your money.

It checks the input so you can't do "/give uno cash -5000" and steal your money.

That would be cool, though.

That's weird. Try hosting and I'll come and try helping you out with it.It checks the input so you can't do "/give uno cash -5000" and steal your money.
I am hosting.
Zombie City Madness Is up, It'd be nice to see you drop by :D

Ultimately this seems to be an issue with VCE as VCE namespaces all the variables by the brick owner.

Aw... it was failbinned by Ephi.