Author Topic: Extreme speed  (Read 848 times)

I have this wierd problem where my game is going faster than usual even when in the menu. Could someone please help me? This has never happened to me before.

I have also noticed it affects everything in the game! The game itself is running at extreme speed that I am unable to control.

If you're running on an AMD Dual-Core processor, download and run this.


Its timescale, I bet.
A server admin probably changed the time

so they should turn it back
or you should start a singleplayer game and test that

If you're running on an AMD Dual-Core processor, download and run this.
This is your problem. Download that, it is not the timescale, guys.

Post a video of it. Does it affect the main menu?

He said it affects the menu, so it's not the timescale.
Downloading what I stated and running it should fix it, it's from AMD itself.
If it doesn't, I honestly don't know what the problem is.

It's not timescale. Ignore the timescale things. It's the AMD processor glitch.

Thanks for all the replys guys. I hope you could answer future problems as well.