Author Topic: Quest for the Cake!: Lol silly update broke GMOD  (Read 6425 times)

Welcome To....

Quest For the Cake
A garry's mod interactive adventure

In this adventure you choose who you want to be you choose what you want to do. But there is one goal, GET THE CAKE! Destroy the evil team of fortress and achieve total victory.

Now here comes the first part! You must choose your adventurer, I have already claimed the Gman model. So I will now display the character roster. Choose one out of these ragdoll's for you and you will JOIN the adventure, the quest!

You do not have to pick a character right away, you can go ahead and start ordering Me around, but I have a better chance of getting the cake with the help of you.
Chapter 1.
On a bright sunny day, Mack the creepy guy with a briefcase sees a cake above his head. He reaches for it and reaches for it but it turns out to be a fake. A BLU SPY! When Mike awakens from his sleep, he sees the spy being roped up. A strange man in a black combine suit with red stripes appears. He destroys the spy with a laser that let his mouth. Apparently his name is Kanew and he loves cake! When mike and kanew go to ride in kanew's truck, a Medic shows up. Kanew tackles the medic! Mack dives to tie up the medic. They stuff the medic and spy in the back of the truck, where they meet Flamecannon and mrlolpop. When they get into the truck an asian woman stops them, she has a man tied up behind named Comatose. They get in the truck and go look for the cake, they ditch the bodies and go through a teleporter. End of Chapter 1.
 Chapter 2.
In the new world of rp_downtown_v2 they fall and land in the center of town, the truck is totaled but mrlolpop saves everyone. A random stranger (Unwritten Calender) greets everyone. Out of anger with the loss of his truck, Kanew shoots a laser that bounces off a window and goes through a sniper's head. Comatose wakes up from a 7-day long nap and goes off to the whitehouse, where goes to tell the president something but when he mentions the map name of his last location the president opens fire! Luckily Comatose's best friend, cat takes a bullet. In tears Comatose realizes he needs to get out of there. To be continued....

MaximumMack: Gman. Status: Alive. Inventory: Pistol. Ability: Crazy Stare
mrlolpop: Airplane Eli. Status: Alive. Inventory: Pistol. Ability: Fly
seargent227: Asian Woman. Satus: Alive. Inventory: Pistol, Bonesaw. Ability: Nag to death in Japanese
Kanew2000: Striped Combine. Status: Alive. Inventory: Pistol. Ability: Laser Mouth
Comatose: Lazy Odessa. Status: Alive. Inventory: Pistol. Ability: Make person fall asleep
FlameCannon: Cheerleader Breen. Status: Alive. Inventory: Pistol. Ability: Cheer of death
Cat: Cat. Status: DEAD. Inventory: Master Sword. Ability: Take bullet.
Unwritten Calender: ???. Status: Alive. Inventory: Fists. Ability: Nothing

Moriarty: BLU Medic. Status: DROWNING. Inventory: Needle Gun. Ability: Heal.
Nobody: BLU Spy. Status: DEAD. Inventory: Butter Knife, Revolver. Ability: Cloak
Nobody: BLU Engineer. Status: ALIVE. Inventory: Level 1 Turret Blueprints (5), Shotgun. Ability:Wrangle Turrets
Nobody: BLU Sniper. Status: DEAD. Inventory: Sniper, Jarate. Ability: Piss on people.
Nobody: BLU Pyro. Status: M.I.A. Inventory: ???. Ability: Flame Blast.
Nobody: BLU Scout. Status: Alive. Inventory: Scattergun, Bat. Ability: Double-Jump
Nobody: BLU Demoman. Status: Alive. Inventory: Missle & Mine launcher. Ability: T-bag
Nobody: BLU Heavy (Team Leader). Status: Alive. Inventory: ???. Ability: Eat.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2011, 04:45:48 PM by MaximumMack »

The cake is right above them. Why haven't they grabbed it yet?

The cake is right above them. Why haven't they grabbed it yet?

Mack: Holy stuff! THERE'S THE CAKE!

Mack: WEEEE!!!!!!!


Mack: Owie


striped combine

Sure thing you will come into the story soon!


in the process accidentally shoot max once

I pick jimmy neutron breen


in the process accidentally shoot max once
Mack: The hell?

Spy: OH god help!

Kanew: Hello, I'm Kanew. I'm a badass.
Mack: Hello Kanew, I'm Mack. I'm looking for cake!
Kanew: I love cake! Hold one second.
Spy: Oh god.....

Mack: WOAH!
Kanew: Yeah pretty sweet-ass huh?

Kanew: This beer is awesome too *Drink*


Kanew: Oh my god! Are you okay!?

Mack: Yuperruni
Kanew: How the fu-
Mack: is that a truck?
Kanew: Sure is, I stole it from a heavy. Want to ride?

What do?

I pick jimmy neutron breen

Yes Sir!

Can I be Airplane Eli?

Can I be Airplane Eli?


Asian woman is the last character left!

Meet the Medic at the back of the truck.

Meet the Medic at the back of the truck.
Kanew: Okay, now if you follow me we will.....
Mack: What?

Kanew: It's the......

Kanew: MEDIC!!!!


(Since we now have multiple people in the story you will now have to say >CharacterName ORDER HERE)

I will be asian i guess...