Author Topic: Is Buying This Worth It?  (Read 562 times)

I am thinking of buying a external graphic card adapter called ViDock 4 because my laptop can't run any good stuff I like. For example, I barely can run Oblivion so I need your opinions if I should buy this. I need a couple of things too to get ViDock 4 to work. I need a desktop monitor (✔), a ExpressCard adapter (✘), and a PCI-Express x16 graphic card (✘).  I also want recommendations on what graphic card I should get.

$230.00 (ViDock 4)
$19.00 (ExpressCard Adapter)
$??? (Graphic Card)
Total: Over $249.00

ViDock 4 Website:
Example Video:

ive had that thing bookmarked for awhile now. im still wondering if i should try lol

bump for discussion

It still requires a monitor. I guess if your laptop was always plugged in and at your desk it might be worth a shot. Just make sure you have a spare monitor to use.

YOu might as well spend an extra 100-200 dollars for a desktop, because holy stuff that is expensive.

wait wait, is this a external grafics card?

YOu might as well spend an extra 100-200 dollars for a desktop, because holy stuff that is expensive.