Author Topic: My Little Pony: Friendship for Blockheads: General V2  (Read 7786602 times)

8500 get

I kinda really wish the plush was cheaper so I could buy it, it would be endless amusement carrying it in public.

hey guys
guess what's on my birthday list for next month.
more moon pies?

..moon pies right?

Of course...
don't be a kochie

pls don't be a kochie

more moon pies?

..moon pies right?
Something to hold said moon pies.

Alert, alert, alert!
Fourth wall security breach!
Fourth wall security breach!

8500 get

I kinda really wish the plush was cheaper so I could buy it, it would be endless amusement carrying it in public.

Yeah it would. The normal people would start to wonder why your plush doll has a hole in the back area and mothers will start telling their children to stay away from you.

And the bronies would hug you.

next thing you know your banana holder is gone

not my banana holder i need it to hold my bananas DDD:

Yeah it would. The normal people would start to wonder why your plush doll has a hole in the back area and mothers will start telling their children to stay away from you.
Pretty much. :D

Yeah it would. The normal people would start to wonder why your plush doll has a hole in the back area and mothers will start telling their children to stay away from you.

If you put it on your head you could say it is a hat, then proceed to hug the children.

If you put it on your head you could say it is a hat, then proceed to hug the children.
i don't think that would work out well either lol