Author Topic: My Little Pony: Friendship for Blockheads: General V2  (Read 7777228 times)

Oh, of course, the ego the show has given you makes you deny it.
You might have probably been thinking when i said that, and thought you shouldn't be doing this, but your obsession took place and you just ignored the whole thing.

Being a brony is like having brain cancer, a lot of people who became bronies never post anywhere else in the blockland forums aside from this thread, but this IS the blockland forums.

1. Then why are you posting here, brony.

You want to keep on discussing ponies? Have fun slowly degrading the forums and yourselves, one day you're going to look back at the first time you saw the show and you're going to shudder and die a little inside.

2. Who cares

Not to mention not being able to find a girlfriend since you uncontrollably demand one that likes Friendship is Magic.

3. Wow you are so cool. Degrading someones personal life because they are posting in a pony forum on the internet.

Oh, of course, the ego the show has given you makes you deny it.
You might have probably been thinking when i said that, and thought you shouldn't be doing this, but your obsession took place and you just ignored the whole thing.
yes, alright

anything else? make it quick because I might go to bed here pretty soon

Is Aph really trying to emotionally cripple us?

Because this obsession is mocking the entire forum and it has to go, i said it.
Facepunch has started going against the bronies, and so should this, you should go back to /co/ where you belong.

Calm your mammaries. We aren't national socialists, guy.

Because this obsession is mocking the entire forum and it has to go, i said it.
Facepunch has started going against the bronies, and so should this, you should go back to /co/ where you belong.
okay sir Aphtonites, we will do anything to please you because you are the sole owner of this forum and the one who decides the stuff that should be allowed
Is Aph really trying to emotionally cripple us?
him and his bullstuff fountain isn't going to do jackstuff

Because this obsession is mocking the entire forum and it has to go, i said it.

If you have a problem with it, then don't post here. Don't even read the thread. Ignore it.
I'm not an MLP fan but I'm not butt hurt about people posting in a topic about it. Grow up.

On Topic: Epic Pic

Ninja: Holy stuff there's a site like that? Lol

Unless Badspot does something about it, we won't leave.

goth are you a brony now?

okay sir Aphtonites, we will do anything to please you because you are the sole owner of this forum and the one who decides the stuff that should be allowedhim and his bullstuff fountain isn't going to do jackstuff

I am not the only one who agrees, Miga had the same idea of moving you all, before he quit when you just refused, the lack of "negative" attention would be bad for you, it seems.

If you have a problem with it, then don't post here. Don't even read the thread. Ignore it.
I'm not an MLP fan but I'm not butt hurt about people posting in a topic about it. Grow up.

I have grown up, the people in this thread haven't.

I am not the only one who agrees, Miga had the same idea of moving you all, before he quit when you just refused, the lack of "negative" attention would be bad for you, it seems.
totally bro
I have grown up, the people in this thread haven't.

okay sir Aphtonites, we will do anything to please you because you are the sole owner of this forum and the one who decides the stuff that should be allowedhim and his bullstuff fountain isn't going to do jackstuff
this post has 0% friendship
so there is no magic.
you are a horrible person

simply disgusting

this post has 0% friendship
so there is no magic.
you are a horrible person