Author Topic: My Little Pony: Friendship for Blockheads: General V2  (Read 8494356 times)

Is Twilight getting high?

Thats the image

you're a bad person
those things could be VITAL STORY PIECES ASFAFSDFA not really

Those eyes, they scare me...  Mommy.

What is all of this?

I've been off-line for only 2 years!

That would explain why you missed it, as this whole mess started back in February of 2011.
In a nutshell, this show came along and got extremely popular internet-wide (basically since the show aired in late 2010). Huge fanbase, lots of art and fanfictions, fun junk like that.

This topic is practically a mini-community within the forums, the point of the topic is about the show but it's not unusual for the thread to get offtopic every so often where we'll just talk to each other and whatnot. The third season of the show is airing soon, so the topic is likely to be rather active.

It's not surprising if you think this is weird. It's a rather common reaction.
If you're interested in checking out the show for yourself, it's rather easy to find HD YouTube videos. You might like it, you might not.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2012, 09:58:59 PM by Blastdown »

in the spirit of halloween atryl (atrylplus in tumblr) drew chrysalis dressed as cheese

of course since it's atryl the full image is questionable as forget and his tumblr is mega-nsfw so I'll just leave it at that

No Atrylplus is his nsfw tumblr, he has a clean one

No Atrylplus is his nsfw tumblr, he has a clean one


well TIL

"Everyone, Friendship is Stoopid Magic!"

~ Heavy

"Everyone, Friendship is Stoopid Magic!"

~ Heavy
He's right, you know.

well I don't know about you guys but lately I've really been feeling very distant from the whole fandom side of things

I know that a lot of you here aren't as involved with the fandom as I once was but yeah

the fandom content just isn't impressive anymore. I don't remember the last time I saw something out of this fandom that made me sit back and say "wow." and honestly I don't think it's just because we're "in between seasons"; I genuinely don't think the fandom content will get much more impressive once s3 gets underway.

think I'll be removing the "brony" label from myself as well. just a casual fan of the show, just like any other television show I watch.

however I do think I'll still be going to bronycon again next year, just to see and catch up with good friends.

so yeah. nothing important. just throwing that out there.

Thats the image
1 - 800 contacts?
They cant have my brand, I have special eyes!

1 - 800 contacts?
They cant have my brand, I have special eyes!
Look with your special eyes!


« Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 02:29:01 AM by Masterlegodude »


that scared the high forget out of me.

Brush Heavy's hair!