Author Topic: My Little Pony: Friendship for Blockheads: General V2  (Read 7784895 times)

My pony images are spread out among a huge downloads folder with enough other absurd/funny pics that it doesn't really matter.
The only pony merch I own is the Fluttershy pin that ShadowsfeaR sent me. I wear it every day and nobody gives a damn.

Gentlemen, we have a problem
we must contain it before it reproduces

Gentlemen, we have a problem
we must contain it before it reproduces

disclaimer: we dont have mod powers, we can't force stupid people to do jack
leave us alone

on a more serious note, just ignore it. it's really not that hard

disclaimer: we dont have mod powers, we can't force stupid people to do jack
leave us alone
I know that.
twas just a joke

Scootaloo awoke with a rasping, guttural howl as a massive electric shock tore through her body, jumpstarting her heart and causing all her muscles to contract, her body singing a chorus of anguish as every single one of them locked into a tight cramp.
     “Do it again! Do it again!” she recognized Rainbow Dash’s voice as it pierced through the throbbing world of hurt inside her skull. What had happened?
     “But her heart’s beating now,” Despite all her ragged nerves she could feel Pinkie’s hoof against her chest. She made a feeble attempt to brush it away, but when she moved her foreleg nothing happened. She tried again. Nothing. She let her head roll to the side. There was no leg. Her shallow breathing intensified as she turned to the other side. No leg. In an instant the wave of horrible memories washed the haze out of her consciousness and sheer terror gripped her as she thrashed, searching for any remaining appendage. They were gone. No legs, no wings. She was nothing more than a torso and a head. As the horror set in and her mind continued to clear, she could feel the searing pain in each truncated limb. She began to hyperventilate.
     “Ha! Oh my god! That is priceless!” Rainbow Dash was on the verge of hysterics, “look at all those wiggling stumps! We should put her on the floor and see if she can move! Oh yeah, by the way Scoot,” Dash finally addressed her, “We had to chop your front legs too. The way A.J. smashed ‘em up you were just bleeding too much, and we weren’t gonna let ya off that easy. If it’s any consolation, you look hilarious right now! I think this is the first time I’ve ever enjoyed spending time with you.”
     For the first time in her short life, Scootaloo prayed. She prayed to Celestia that it might end, that she would slip away. She willed herself to die, her thoughts crying out for the mercy of oblivion.
     “Oh no ya don’t!” Pinkie said, rubbing the two paddles of the defibrillator together. “Fluttershy, see that red knob? Turn it all the way up!”
     She was almost there. Scootaloo felt the world begin to darken, felt numbness begin to engulf her. Her heart slowed…
     A second shock, twice as powerful as the first made her convulse violently, ejecting the contents of her stomach, bowels, and bladder, forcing the air from her lungs. A fountain of blood squirted out of her hollow eye socket.
     Rarity, Twilight and Fluttershy managed to dodge the barrage of bodily fluids. The rest were not so lucky. Pinkie and A.J. didn’t seem to mind, the former grinning psychotically as the blood ran down her face, the latter having already resigned to the fact that she’d need a long shower after this. Rainbow Dash, however, was furious, wiping a fowl smelling goo off of her face, her mane stained brownish red.
     “Didn’t I tell you what would happen if you did that again?!” She fumed, glaring daggers at the one-eyed ball that had once been a filly. “Somebody get me a beer bottle!”
     “All I have here is some wine,” Pinkie said, rummaging through the fridge behind the counter of Sugar Cube Corner.
     “Works for me!” Dash took the bottle, and downed the contents. “Okay, A.J. hold her down for me!”
     “Sure thing Dashiekins,” Dash shot her a venomous look but it only held for a few seconds before she cracked a smirk. Apple Jack smiled back, happy to assist her marefriend on this momentous occasion.
     The neck of the bottle went in easily enough, but as it widened Dash had to really force it, inch by inch. Scootaloo squealed with each push, her whole body shuddering, every cauterized stump waggling about desperately. She was beyond crying or sobbing now, she just kept screaming and begging for mercy.
     “Ugh I can’t stand it anymore!” Rarity wadded up a dish towel she’d found and stuffed it in Scootaloo’s mouth, muting her pleas. The little Pegasus could only look up at her, wide eye silently beseeching her to make it stop. Rarity just shook her head, “this is all your fault, you know.”
     Meanwhile, Dash was struggling to force the wine bottle up the filly’s ass. She steeled herself and gave one last shove with all her might. It was a good thing rarity had gagged Scootaloo, because the squealing would have been ear-piercing. Her brown town sphincter snapped like a broken rubber band, creating a gaping hole from which her traumatized intestines slopped out. “Whoa,” was all Rainbow could say for a moment. Then she turned to her pink friend, who was bouncing with joy. “What now? This is more your area of expertise, Pinkie.”
     “Oh watch this, it’ll be so super cool,” Pinkie removed the wine bottle and situated the little Pegasus so her plot was just at the edge of the counter, then she grabbed the end of the intestinal tract. “Ready?” The others nodded. The party pony yanked hard. It was like watching a hose uncoil as foot after foot of intestine spilled out onto the floor with a series of squishing and splattering noises.
     “My word!” Rarity exclaimed, “how does that all fit in such a tiny body?”
     “Pony physiology is an amazing thing,” Twilight told her, “I have many books on the subject if you…”
     “Thank you dear but I think I’ve seen quite enough for a while,” Rarity laughed.
     Scootaloo’s innards finally stopped coming, and Pinkie severed the organ, leaving just half a foot of floppy digestive tract hanging from what had once been the filly’s star fish.
     “Hey look at this!” said Dash, poking her deflated belly, “she’s gone all…flat!” The cyan mare kept poking and prodding in amusement. Scootaloo appeared to be unconscious again, but her body spasmed each time Rainbow jabbed it.
     “Is she dead?” Fluttershy asked quietly.
     “Nope nope nope!” Pinkie beamed, “you’d be surprised what you can take out of a pony without killing her. As long as she has lungs and a heart and she doesn’t bleed out, we can keep this party going all night! Of course she’ll die eventually without her bowels and if we remove her liver and kidneys and stuff, but as long as we’re careful we can make her last a few more hours at least!”
     “How do you know so much about physiology Pinkie?” Twilight was honestly curious.
     “Oh, Grandpappy Pie was a coroner, doing autopsies and all that! He tried to teach my dad the trade but daddy could never stomach the blood, that’s why we ended up on that dumb ol’ rock farm. I loved it though, and he taught me all about it. Before I discovered parties, dissection was the only fun part of my life!”
     “Well, I’ll be,” A.J. smiled, “our little cupcake baker’s a regular doctor!”
     “Oh, no,” Pinkie shook her head modestly, “it’s just a hobby of mine, I like making tasty treats way more!” The friends all laughed. “Speaking of which, it’s almost time for cake! Er, that is if you don’t mind, Dashie.”
     “Ya know Pinks, as much as I wanted to finish her, I’m liking your idea better. You have my blessing.”
     “Let’s do it together!” Pinkie suggested, readying her defibrillator once more.

Scootaloo has fallen. uMad?

Scootaloo has fallen. uMad?
I sure hope this is admittance to trolling.

sweetie belle got puffy

needs more defined body

My Little Zombie: Brains are Magic
By spidersean
Chapter One
The meadow outside of the Everfree Forest, in contrast to the dark woods itself, was quite peaceful and calm on most days. A yellow pegasus pony casually trotted alongside the edge of the forest. There was a light breeze that graced the meadow, its tendrils gently pushing against the pony’s bright pink mane. The gentle aroma of flowers wafted through the air and was met by the sound of a few buzzing cicadas.
Fluttershy heard birds singing nearby and she smiled softly to herself.  She briefly wondered if the birds would be interested in joining her choir. She looked up, searching for the source of the beautiful music.
Fluttershy needed to squint and shield her eyes from the sun’s shining brilliance. It shone brighter than it had all week and there wasn’t a cloud in the vivid blue sky. She made a quick mental note to thank the other pegasus ponies for such a beautiful day.
She shook her head a bit, focusing at her task at hoof. I’m not here to admire the weather! I have a mission,’ she reminded herself. ‘Well, it’s sort of a mission. Kind of... Fluttershy had come here looking for any animals she could find outside the Everfree Forest. Most animals that came from the forest were usually injured or sick, due to the nature of the forest itself.
She did this every now and then, not wanting it to get too crowded at her cottage. She had quite a few animals to tend already. Still, the mere notion of leaving a poor animal in need of help behind... Fluttershy felt a shiver go down her spine.
She had already been out here for quite some time. She was about to go home when she heard a whimper not too far from her. The sunny-colored pegasus gasped, quickly galloping towards the weak cry.
On the very edge of the forest was a little ball of fur. Upon getting closer, Fluttershy discovered it was a small, brown, female rabbit.  Fluttershy rushed to the rabbit’s side. Her fur was matted and messy, with the occasional bald patch. She was shivering, coughing; she even felt a little clammy.
“Oh, dear. There there, Miss Rabbit. It’ll be okay,” Fluttershy said in her hushed, caring voice. She gingerly lifted the rabbit up with her front hoof and laid it on her back. “I’ll take you to my home. We’ll get you a nice warm bed and I’ll do my best to make you feel all better. Does that sound like a good plan, Miss Rabbit?” Fluttershy gave the rabbit a soft smile.
The rabbit formed a weak smile in response and started to whimper its gratitude to its yellow pegasus savior, but only managed to let out a hacking cough that shook her little body. Fluttershy gasped slightly, “Oh, my!” With that, she began trotting quickly back to her cottage, careful not to let the weak bunny fall over.
Fluttershy hadn’t strayed too terribly far from her home, so it only took a few minutes to bring the sick rabbit there. As the little winged pony found herself on the paved street that led to her house, she let out a soft sigh of relief. Her cottage began to come into view.
Fluttershy’s cottage was cozy, small and, above all else, natural. Its roof was thatched from long dry grass and leaves, giving the cottage a squat, treelike facade. There was a dirt path that led over a gently flowing stream and raised up to the cottage’s simple wooden door. Amid the various small trees and other foliage were nests, birdhouses and flowers of all kinds. Normally, everypony could see all of the different critters Fluttershy had adopted frolicking around in the sunlight.
However, this was strangely not the case, Fluttershy observed as she crossed the natural bridge. For some reason, all of the animals had gone inside when she drew close.
She didn’t have the time to reflect on it for long, though. The rabbit’s wheezing grew louder still, almost violent. Fluttershy’s eyes widened, “Oh my! Hold on, Miss Rabbit! We’re almost there!”
The rabbit attempted to give Fluttershy a pathetically weak smile, but just ended up coughing even more. Fluttershy realized that she didn’t have a lot of time, and her heart began to race. She finally pushed through the front door of her home.
Her living room was simple and small; there was all of the basic furniture inside of it. The only thing that stood out about it was the occasional birdcage or small pet bed. There were a couple rugs with flower motifs laid upon its hardwood floor and there was also a flight of stairs near the center of the room that led to Fluttershy’s bedroom.
Fluttershy carefully laid the sickly rabbit upon one of her green couches. The rabbit’s wheezing had subsided somewhat, but her breathing was still shallow and raspy. The pegasus pony’s crystal blue eyes met with the rabbit’s pleading, bloodshot, brown eyes. Fluttershy pressed her hoof against the rabbit’s forehead, but pulled it away in shock.
“O-Oh my! You’re running quite the fever, Miss Rabbit. Hold on for just a moment, okay?” Fluttershy turned and sprinted up the stairs. Moments later she returned with a lavender blanket clutched in her teeth. She laid it on top of the rabbit gingerly, who whimpered her thanks.
Fluttershy took a moment to pause and glanced around the room. She had finally spotted where all of the other animals had run off to. Most, if not all of them, were huddled together in different corners of the room. Their eyes were all fixed upon the shivering bunny beneath the purple blanket.
Fluttershy frowned a bit. Usually the animals were more friendly towards newcomers. But she had also known about all animals’ innate sense of self-preservation. Obviously, whatever the sickly bunny had was gravely serious and the other animals were not keen about catching it.
The only animal that wasn’t hiding away in a corner was a small fluffy white bunny named Angel. He cautiously approached Fluttershy with a worried expression. She gave Angel a reassuring smile. The little white bunny raised an eyebrow in uneasiness while hopping onto the couch. He had been her closest companion for many years, longer than any of her other animal friends.
Angel gave Fluttershy a look that said, ‘I don’t like this, but I’ll help you if need be.’  Fluttershy nodded and gave Angel her thanks.
“Is there anything, anything at all, that I can get you, Miss Rabbit?” Fluttershy turned to ask the brown bunny, exuding an air of motherly care and concern. The rabbit stuck its tongue out and licked its dry lips. Fluttershy got the hint and instantly sprinted to her kitchen and returned almost a second later with a small bowl of water. She set it carefully down next to the rabbit’s head.
The rabbit leaned over and began to slowly and weakly drink. Fluttershy frowned and felt despair well up inside of her. She had dealt with several sick and injured animals before, but none so close to death. The only time it had come even close to this was when she abducted and tried to heal Princess Celestia’s phoenix. Even then, Fluttershy had more time to nurse Philomena, and bunnies don’t come back after they pass.
The brown bunny’s eyes began to grow heavy. Her shallow breathing began to slow considerably. Fluttershy’s eyes widened in panic.
“Oh no. Oh no no no...” Fluttershy said, “Oh dear, what do I do? Oh! I know, maybe I have some medicine that will help!” The pink-maned pegasus dashed off to the kitchen, frantically looking for something.
Angel leaned in to inspect the sick bunny. She had stopped wheezing and coughing as much, but she was still shivering and sweating. The white bunny folded his arms and sighed. He didn’t want to imagine how devastated Fluttershy would be if this newcomer died, which looked like a strong possibility by that point.
“Argh!” shouted a voice from the kitchen that brought Angel’s train of thought to a halt. Fluttershy sped back into the room.
“I’ve run all out of rabbit medicine,” Fluttershy said quickly, “I have to run to the market to get some more. I’ll be right back, Miss Rabbit. Angel, please look after her while I’m gone.”
With that, Fluttershy flung open the front door and flew off. Angel swore that she was moving quicker than Rainbow Dash usually did. He turned his attention back to the little brown rabbit that was causing so much trouble.
Angel stopped cold. The other rabbit wasn’t coughing, wheezing, shivering, or sweating anymore. In fact, she wasn’t even breathing. Angel’s eyes widened and his little stomach did a somersault.
Angel began to frantically fan the other rabbit with his paws, hoping that it would spontaneously revive her. When it yielded no results, he grabbed the bowl of water next to the rabbit and dumped it on her head, hoping the shock would wake her up.
Still no response. Tossing aside the bowl, Angel grabbed the rabbit by the shoulders and shook her. He slapped her across the face a couple times. Nothing. He let go of her and took a step back. His mind raced and he began to hyperventilate. The rabbit next to him had suddenly bolted up right with her eyes still closed, nearly making Angel jump at least two feet out of his skin. His surprise was instantaneously replaced with a deep sense of relief.
The brown rabbit’s eyelids tore open to reveal glossy milky white orbs. Angel paled and his stomach did more somersaults.
The crowded streets of Ponyville boomed with vivacity. Shops lined the streets and merchants hollered from their stalls. The lively hustle and bustle of the town made Lyra and Bon-Bon, two fillies who were the closest of friends, smile. They both preferred the busier parts of Ponyville.
They were on their way to the market to pick up groceries for the evening, as the cream-colored Bon-Bon’s growling belly reminded them. Her teal unicorn friend, however, stopped and tilted her head at a most peculiar sight. Bon-Bon’s cyan eyes followed Lyra’s orange-colored gaze and found Fluttershy rushing out of the market place with a bag of assorted medicine. The pair had known Fluttershy was a nervous pony, but she was acting more so than usual.
“Hey Fluttershy, what’s with the ba-” Lyra had started, approaching the pony.
“Oh! Er, hey girls. I’m, uh, I’m really sorry. But I’m kind of in the middle of something very, um, important. Excuse me, please. I’m sorry,” Fluttershy said quickly then flew off in the direction of her house.
“Hm, I wonder what that was all about,” Bon-Bon turned to talk to Lyra. “Fluttershy sure seemed to be in a rush. Oh my, she appears to have dropped her bit purse as well.” Bon-Bon lifted up a small green bag with a rosy bunny on it.
“Well, let’s go give it back to her!” Lyra said with a grin, snatching it from Bon-Bon’s hoof.
“I dunno... She did seem a bit preoccupied,” Bon-Bon said, looking unsure. Her stomach rumbled. She wanted to eat more than to go on an errand for a pony they barely know. “Maybe we should wait before we bring it back,” she suggested with a hopeful grin and she nodded her head ecstatically, her mane of raspberry and blueberry swirls bouncing up and down.
“Mmm, nah! It just gives me more reason to go check it out!” Lyra responded, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. She then ran off in the direction Fluttershy was heading, her fluorescent buzzsaw of sea-green silver of a mane flying behind her.
Bon-Bon realized Lyra’s adventurous spirit was getting in the way of her appetite. She sighed, shook her head, and ran after Lyra.
Fluttershy had arrived at her home several minutes later. She was sweating heavily and her wings ached. It had been a long, long time since she ever had to fly that fast. She let out a sigh and pushed open the door and her eyebrow raised in suspicion the moment she stepped inside.
There were some scratch marks on the other side of the door that hadn’t been there when she left. The lights were somehow turned off, the darkened room only illuminated by a few windows. The soft sunlight came through in muted shafts, somehow giving the room a sinister air.
The animals that had been cowering in the corner were no longer there. She observed that, in fact, she wasn’t able to find any of the animals. Well, except for one. The little brown bunny that was now standing on the green couch on her hind legs. She was staring at the pegasus with milky white eyes.
Fluttershy felt a little unnerved by it as she set down the medicine-filled bag and opened her mouth to speak, “O-Oh, hello again, Miss Rabbit. I, um, s-see you’re already up. Um, I brought you some medicine t-to help you f-feel better,” She displayed the bag of medicine that the rabbit seemingly ignored. Fluttershy felt a cold bead of sweat roll down her brow, “Uh, y-you should probably lay back down. I-It’s probably better for you. Th-That is, i-if it’s okay with y-you.”
Fluttershy had no idea why, but just the sight of the rabbit was putting her on edge. Her breath was sticking in her throat and she was getting a creeping sensation up her spine that told her something was very, very wrong. At that point, another bunny hopped out from the shadows, stood in front of the couch, and stared at her with his own glossed-over irides. This other rabbit’s fur was a snowy white.
“A-A-Angel, wh-what are y-you...” Fluttershy attempted to stammer out more, but then even more creatures emerged from the shadows of the cottage. Chipmunks, squirrels, ferrets, raccoons, even a few birds came into view. They all were staring at her with milky white eyes.
Every fiber of Fluttershy’s being screamed at her, ‘RUN! LEAVE! GET OUT OF HERE!’ But her body would not obey and she felt herself lock up in pure terror. Her heart thundered in her chest. She felt her stomach constrict and churn. She paled and her eyes grew, her pupils shrinking. She let out a frantic series of terrified whimpers.
Fluttershy watched hopelessly as her closest animal companion took a few steps closer. The brown rabbit hopped off the couch and followed Angel closely. The other animals slowly approached as well. Fluttershy felt her hooves knock over the bag of medicine as she backed against a wall and pressed against it closely. Her breathing becoming frantic and shallow.
Without warning, Angel lunged at Fluttershy, the other animals following suit. Fluttershy’s eyes clenched shut and she opened her mouth to scream, but only strained air escaped her lips. She felt little jaws clamp down on her and sharp teeth tearing at her flesh. Fluttershy collapsed in a heap and began to feel the world grow dark and cold.
Bon-Bon’s stomached roared in agony. It had been far too long since she and Lyra set out to return Fluttershy’s bit purse. She smiled slightly when they saw Fluttershy’s house not too far away, a welcome sight after such a long walk, but her tomach bellowed once more in anguish. She would argue with Lyra some more about stopping, getting a bite to eat, and then talking about this beforehand, but she quickly learned how futile an endeavor that was. Lyra had simply set her mind on it, and nothing was going to change it.
They approached the front door, which was ajar for some odd reason. They also could not find any of Fluttershy’s animal friends playing outside, or Fluttershy for that matter. Bon-Bon turned to frantically shake her head and make ‘We-Really-Should-Just-Leave’ motions with her hooves, but found that Lyra had already gone inside.
The earth pony took a deep breath and took her first tentative steps into the cottage.  The only source of light in the entirety of the cottage was a faint shaft of muted light that dimly shone through a curtained window. Bon-Bon jumped a bit when she stepped on and cracked a plastic bottle of pills. She looked down to see the bag of assorted medicine Fluttershy had earlier spilled onto the floor, along with other nick-knacks.
She heard Lyra shriek in horror nearby. Bon-Bon turned to see what the problem was and her jaw hit the floor. Her gnawing, unavoidable hunger had suddenly vanished when she saw Fluttershy slumped against a wall. Her eyes were shut and her mouth was slightly agape. Fluttershy was not breathing, nor did she give any other sign of life. Several small bite marks covered her body and she was lying in a small puddle of blood. Lyra and Bon-Bon looked at each other, their eyes wide.
Bon-Bon opened her mouth to speak when Fluttershy stirred a little. Both ponies snapped their attention to her, gripped with an instinctual terror. They watched Fluttershy get back on all four hooves, struggling as she did so. She rose her head to look at the two intruding ponies. Her eyes were milky white.
It had been years since the first infection. Nopony really knew exactly how long it had been and nopony seemed to bother keeping check anymore. The thriving village that had once been Ponyville was now ruins. Nothing there but charred husks and broken glass remained. Even the very earth and grass had taken on a deathly grayish shade, mirroring the sky.
The town was eerily quiet and still, with the exception of the clopping of hooves against a cobblestone road that echoed throughout the ruins. A single living earth pony was making her way through Ponyville. She was trotting down the village’s streets that she had frequented as a young filly. Back when the world was filled with vibrant colors and life. Back when the sun shone brightly during the day for more than a few hours. Back when the skies were clear and laughter filled the air.
The pony stopped at the small, pathetic gazebo in the middle of the town square. When she observed the buildings around it, she quickly discovered it was the only structure that hadn’t been burnt to its frames or viciously torn down. Even the small wooden market stands surrounding the gazebo had been broken. A stinging cold wind brushed against her rosy mess of a mane.
The filly trotted over to one of the broken stands and sighed. It was the stand her sister used to run. She used to help her on occasion, but for the most part her sister ran everything. Her sister had always been a very reliable pony. The filly rummaged slightly through the wreckage of the stall.
After a bit a shifting, she found a hat. It was made of worn tanned leather and was slightly charred. The pony gasped and gingerly lifted it by its brim. She set it down away from the wreckage and laid down next to it. She carefully nuzzled her forehead against the hat and slowly let out a few shaky, shuddering sobs. Tears began to roll out of her eyes and the sounds of her faint sobs now echoing through the sprawling ruins of Ponyville.
“...A-Applejack,” Apple Bloom said between her sobs and sniffles.

sweetie belle got puffy

needs more defined body
my heart hnnnngg

As Apple Bloom lay on the blighted ground of the desolate marketplace and wept into her sister’s lightly charred and forgotten leather hat, her flank remained completely bare. When the last of her tears were shed, she lifted the leather hat with her hoof and placed it on top of her head.
Deciding it was time to do what she was instructed, Apple Bloom nudged open one of her plain brown saddlebags. She dug through it and finally found a small vial filled with a murky purple liquid. Apple Bloom popped off the cork and sighed slightly.
“Well, Twi, Ah hope you were right. Here goes nothin’,” Apple Bloom muttered to herself before chugging down the entirety of the bottle. She shot up on all four hooves and started coughing. Her eyes stung and her vision swam, blurry dark spots obscuring the edges of her sight. Her stomach desperately wanted to expel the vile liquid, but this was impossible. Apple Bloom knew for a fact that, due to their anatomy, ponies are not able to vomit. At least, they’re not supposed to.
Apple Bloom instead settled for collapsing onto the ground and shuddering uncontrollably. Fortunately, it only took a few moments for the agony to subside as quickly as it had arrived. There was still a pulsing pressure on the back of her skull, but she managed to shakily recollect herself.
As she turned to walk away, Apple Bloom gave the broken-down apple cart one last long look. She shook her head and began to walk away from the town square and went down a wide city street that stretched for miles. She wasn’t exactly sure what was compelling her to go down that street. It was exceedingly large to accommodate for massive amounts of traveling ponies. Hundreds of happy ponies blissfully doing their day’s activities. However, when it was only being used by one filly, it was incredibly lonely. Aside from the occasional pile of debris, it was completely barren.
The road itself was composed of shattered dusty cobblestone. The building wreckage that lined the street, while broken and burned, stood tall. The blackened house frames seemed to loom over the maturing filly. They towered over her and seemed to bear down upon her, making Apple Bloom shrink a little.
Apple Bloom gulped as she felt beads of sweat roll down the back of her neck. Environments like this always tended to put her on edge. A cold wind picked up, stinging against Apple Bloom’s face. She grimaced slightly and looked into the direction the wind was blowing.
To her dismay, Apple Bloom found an enormous sea of pale white fog rushing to meet her. Within moments, the fog surrounded Apple Bloom and blanketed the landscape. The fog itself was incredibly thick and Apple Bloom had trouble seeing more than a meter ahead of her nose. Regardless, she pushed on. She wasn’t sure she was still heading in the right direction or even where she was going, but she was determined to get there.

Suddenly, Apple Bloom’s ears shot to attention and she froze in her tracks. She could swear she heard something in the distance. It sounded like faint hoofsteps. Seconds seemed to stretch into hours as she stood there, rooted to the spot and fully attentive. Just as Apple Bloom was about to dismiss it and continue walking, she heard the hoofsteps once more. They were more distinct, faster in pace, and much closer to her than last time.
Apple Bloom felt the beads of sweat form once more and the pressure on the back of her head intensified. Her heart began to race and she began to look around for something, anything to defend herself with. Her eyes frantically quickly around the road, finding only fog and broken chunks of brick and stone.
Out of the corner of her eye Apple Bloom saw something move. She gave herself whiplash trying to turn her head and get a full view of it. Through the dense white fog she could only fleetingly see a small, dark figure dash out of view. The back of of Apple Bloom’s head screamed in pain and her ears began to ring. Her heart thundered in her chest and she frantically looked around her. The hoofsteps kept getting louder, but she still couldn’t see anypony.
The ringing in Apple Bloom’s ears and the agony persisting in the back of her head was quickly becoming too much to bear. Apple Bloom, despite her best efforts, clenched her eyes shut and grit her teeth.
Is this mah punishment, the thought rang out in her mind like a bell in a raging hurricane, For comin’ back? For wantin’ to know tha truth?
A voice that cut through her thoughts asked, “Are you okay?”
Apple Bloom’s head shot up and her eyes flew open in surprise. There, in the fog, stood a little filly, no more than fifteen meters away. She was positively beaming at Apple Bloom.
The filly looked to be the same age Apple Bloom was when the Infection hit; she didn’t even have a cutie mark yet. She was a unicorn, her horn illuminated and cutting through the fog, and her coat was a slate gray. The filly’s mane was messy, jet black, and had a cobalt bow about the same size of the filly’s head. Her tail, like her mane, was messy and long. She had eyes that were large, happy ovals with pure blue irides.
“Wh-What did ya say,” asked Apple Bloom, tentatively.
“Are you okay,” the filly repeated, spelling it out for Apple Bloom. “It looked like you were in a lot of pain.”
Apple Bloom’s mouth was agape. She had spent the last few hours wandering through Ponyville and hadn’t found anypony, living or dead. And now here she stood, talking to a happy little filly that came from nowhere. On top of that, the agony she was just experiencing had vanished without a trace. She silently prayed that her mind wasn’t finally snapping.
“N-Nah, Ah’m fine,” she told the filly, “Wh-What do you call yerself? An’ what in tarnation are ya doin’ out here?”
The unicorn grinned at Apple Bloom, “I could ask you the same thing!”

The unicorn grinned at Apple Bloom, “I could ask you the same thing!”
“Oh, er, right. Mah manners. Name’s Apple Bloom,” said the earth pony, taking a few cautious steps towards the unicorn to shake her hoof.
However, the unicorn giggled and started to run off when Apple Bloom approached. “Nice to meet you, Apple Bloom,” the filly said, “But you’re gonna have to catch me!”
Apple Bloom blinked, but grinned a little. A wave of childishness washed over any of her previous dread or hesitation. She found herself being overpowered by the mere idea and her grin widened. She should have hesitated and questioned the position she was in, but all thoughts of that nature simply and inexplicably refused to sink in. Under normal circumstances, this would have been cause for alarm, but Apple Bloom instinctively felt like she could trust this mysterious little filly.
“Hey, no fair!” Apple Bloom hollered at the filly as she gave chase, “Ya got a head-start!”
Apple Bloom ran after the gray filly for at least half an hour. Possibly even more. She was only able to get a few feet close to catching her. Occasionally, Apple Bloom would almost loose the filly in the fog or get a little lost, but every time the little unicorn would shine her horn brightly and led Apple Bloom in the right direction. It quickly became apparent to Apple Bloom that the filly wasn’t just playing tag, but actually guiding her in a way.
Finally, the fog had moved on and the filly ran inside one of the few standing buildings. Apple Bloom was following her, but slowed when she noticed the building itself. It was a large bakery, styled in the manner of an enormous gingerbread house. It was charred in places, had a large hole in the roof, and covered with a thick layer of ashes. Other than that, the building was completely fine.
The building itself was Sugarcube Corner and it was once home to the most energetic of party ponies, Pinkie Pie. Apple Bloom remembered the name and winced a bit. Pinkie Pie was well-known for holding some of the best parties in all of Equestria.
Apple Bloom smiled as she remembered the night of Diamond Tiara’s cute-ceañera. It was held at Sugarcube Corner and it was that night she met Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Apple Bloom sighed nostalgically as she pushed open the front door and went inside.
The interior of Sugarcube Corner was quite large, mostly to meet the needs of several parties. There was a counter with a service bell on it opposite the front door. The door to the kitchen and a flight of stairs leading up to Pinkie Pie’s former room lay behind the counter. The building was illuminated only by the setting sun’s light pouring through the window. Apple Bloom dug through her saddlebags once more, this time pulling out a small watch and laying it on the floor.
“Three thirty,” Apple Bloom read with a frown, “Well, it’s later than usual...”
The state of the Sugarcube Corner led much to be desired. A large amount of the paint had worn away; once saccharine and bright colors were now eroded and dull. Apple Bloom scrunched her nose up. A foul smell drifted through the air and she realized all of the sweets were now almost entirely made of mold and completely inedible.
Tables, chairs, and lamps were knocked down the floor, covered by a blanket of deflated balloons. A worn banner that read “Spring Has Sprung” hung lazily from the ceiling. Apple Bloom presumed Pinkie Pie was planning one of her parties before the Infection started. She gave the rest of room a quick glance and wasn’t able to find the little filly she had been following anywhere.
A small flash of pink fluttered out of the corner of Apple Bloom’s vision. She quickly turned around and found the room inexplicably starting to light up. Apple Bloom looked up, noticing the lights above her were shattered. When she looked back down, she nearly jumped out of her skin.
A spectral pink earth pony was bouncing around the room happily, a feather duster was in her mouth. She was humming a bright and cheery tune and an enormous smile was on her face. Apple Bloom scrambled towards a corner of the room, her eyes wide as saucers.
“P-P-Pinkie...? I-Is that... Really you?” Apple Bloom stammered out. The ghostly image of Pinkie Pie paid no attention to her and continued tidying up the room. She would bounce to one part of the room, dust it off, then hop off to another.
Apple Bloom watched in shock and confusion as the room start to light up even more. The paint began to fade back into existence, the wood repaired itself and polished itself to a mirror shine, and the sweets began to drain away their mold. The furniture pulled themselves back up and righted themselves.
All of this made Apple Bloom’s head spin and she slumped down to the ground. Apple Bloom felt cold sweat beginning to cover her. The pulsing pressure in the back of her head grew more and more agonizing. She felt herself beginning to loose consciousness. The last thing Apple Bloom saw before she slipped into the darkness was a now completely solid Pinkie Pie bouncing towards her.