Author Topic: Frostbyte found an old Spiderman comic!  (Read 408 times)

So me and my friend were searching for one of my old games in my basement and after trying to look through a bunch of boes we found an old Spiderman comic, probably from the 80s-90s seeing that there were ads for the Gameboy and SNES. Im guessing this is my dad's and sorry for the crappy pic, I used my ipod.

is it from the 60's

sell it for $1,000,000

It's not that old. I came here expecting a comic from, say, the 1960s.
Still, I'd give it a read. I had a Spiderman comic from the 90s(you would not BELIEVE what the kids in the ads were wearing) and it was about a terrorist attack...
On two towers that happened to look alike.

It's not that old. I came here expecting a comic from, say, the 1960s.
Still, I'd give it a read. I had a Spiderman comic from the 90s(you would not BELIEVE what the kids in the ads were wearing) and it was about a terrorist attack...
On two towers that happened to look alike.
If you are implying that it was some sort of prediction of 9/11 you're wrong. In the 1990's one of the towers had a bomb planted inside of it. After that they reinforced that area of the tower, than is why it stood after 9/11