Author Topic: Heavy Storm Ambience  (Read 1090 times)


The sound of heavy rain, thunder, and wind combination, perfect for any spooky build or tense mini-game. Mixed by IcyGamma using a sound board.

Requested by Legodude77.


Heavy Storm
The original storm combination.
Standalone .OGG
Download MediaFire

Heavy Rain
Bonus, just rain, no wind or thunder layers.
Standalone .OGG
Download MediaFire

« Last Edit: July 04, 2011, 09:16:52 PM by Sheath »

Wow, these are really good.

Nice work, these are great. I played both tracks in Vegas Pro, and the Heavy rain and Storm fit together, you think you could put them both together and add that as well?

'Heavy Rain' is already included in the storm OGG as one of the layers.

'Heavy Rain' is already included in the storm OGG as one of the layers.
Yes, but I mean, if you put them both together with equal volume, then you get a pretty nice mix.
I just remembered you could make two music bricks and do this, but hey, lazy people..