Author Topic: Tuevon's Model Dump.  (Read 6059 times)

Well, I, for one, wanted to show this to a few friends, then decided to put this on display for the whole community.  This is a various assortment of models I made.  There is no guarentee that I will take suggestions.

If you are an experienced scripter, you may script them with my permission.  - Used Milkshape3d.

Model #1:  TC-92 Gas Launcher
A Launcher that fires canisters of mustard gas.

Model #2:  Battering Ram
A Battering Ram.

Model #3:  TC-35 Ricochet Rifle  (First model)
A rifle that fires bouncing shells.

Model #4:  Carbon-14 Rocket Launcher
A mobile rocket launcher that fires small nuclear rockets.

Model #5:  Carbon-14 Rocket
The Nuclear Warhead.

Model #6:  TC-282 Lira
A Hover-Tank

Model #7:  Train
A Train.

Model #8:  Dart
Poison Dart

Model #9:  TC-49  Payback
An Automatic Shotty

Model #10:  TC-x44 RCRU
A "Remote-Controlled Retrieval Unit"

Model #11:  SRU
A robotic construction and maintanance robot.

Model #12:  Robot
A robotic creation made to resemble a Chao from the Sonic series.  - Posted later in comments.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2011, 12:10:03 PM by SWAT One »

Maximum loaded, Attaching more.

Upload the images to a image hoster next time?

Other than that, they looks pretty nice.

Darnit, I was gonna reserve that spot...  Ah well.
Here's the rest.

Damn these are pretty good models

I like how they are Blockish.

They all have that Cool Future-ey Look to 'em, that look that no one hates. :3

Great build! :D
No Srsly.
I'm sure they will like the build more there!
« Last Edit: July 05, 2011, 12:19:14 AM by uno_da_cat »

Very good models, Some remind me of the first man being on the moon lol.

Great for Spacey builds. Out of all, I'd love to see that train on the market.


Do they have animations yet?
I'd like to see that RCRU in-game.

And here's the Robot.
(Finally Uploaded)
« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 04:10:51 PM by SWAT One »

I like, but the train looks a bit weird, looks more like a truck to me. Anyways very cool overall.

The Rocket Launcher, turrets and vehicles look nice but the others you may want to improve
Try not to use smooth cylinders

Dude I can script some of thoes for you :)