Author Topic: Stride 2.0 (An epic gum)  (Read 3706 times)

Stride 2.0 is the newest stride and it is amazing. If you had stride spark you would know that the taste is really strong.They now fixed this in 2.0. I got a pack of this gum and it tastes like a juicy fruit that last FOREVER. This is a sugar free gum which will make you go wtf how. You get 14 pieces a pack. The favors are Uber Bubble (my favorite), Sweet Peppermint, Forever Fruit, and Spearmint. Stride 2.0 is artificially favored.


Discuss this epic gum.

P.S. Sorry for page stretch.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2011, 07:34:38 PM by Cuts-Aknife »

This sounds like an advertisement.

5 > Stride
"gum that warms as u choo"
Cinnamon that tastes horrible after 5 minutes.

5 > Stride
5 has better flavors and a cooler look, but Stride lasts WAY longer.

"gum that warms as u choo"
Cinnamon that tastes horrible after 5 minutes.

Then don't chew the cinnamon flavor. :)

5 has better flavors and a cooler look, but Stride lasts WAY longer.

I've actually found that 5 lasts longer than Stride, but that might just be me.

I should try Stride 2.0.

I beta tested Stride 3.0 Beta.
C what i did thar

But I liked the strong taste. :c


At the stride marketing department:
"I can't think of a good name for a new gum"
"just add 2.0"