Author Topic: Family RPs WHY??  (Read 3003 times)

I cannot figure out why people like to go to family RPs, not that I am hating on anyone that goes to them.
The only reason I have ever gone to them was to shoot someone in the head that shot my sister (not RP sister obviously) in the head.
I just wonder why some people like them, I cannot stand them.
Imo, they seem kinda very childish, like I would have loved them in preschool, not that I am saying, oh if you go to a family RP you are a little 5 year old that wants his mama.  NO that is NOT what I mean by that.

I guess what my question is, why do people like family RPs?

Again, I do NOT have anything against people that go to them.

No nasty comments please, this is an honest question that I have wanted answered forever!

Imo, they seem kinda very childish, like I would have loved them in preschool.
That is why.

That is why.
So you mean, people have a need to be childish?
cna i b doge
That is so true...
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 01:30:13 PM by ThElement »

i want to be doge or i will ban u

Kan i b tha kat??  :iceCream:

It sucks because most servers are filled with 10 year olds acting like cigarettealoos. If it were filled with 15 year olds it would be a different story. :3

Its funny when FamilyRPs have this on their server name "Girls needed", I'm sorry, girls don't exist on blockland.

Its funny when FamilyRPs have this on their server name "Girls needed", I'm sorry, girls don't exist on blockland.
Awww', Silly me. I thought they did. Oh well...I do agree though, family Roleplays don't seem to have too many good roleplayers, instead it's either a so called todler racing around with a rocket launcher, firing on every moving object.

Its funny when FamilyRPs have this on their server name "Girls needed", I'm sorry, girls don't exist on blockland.

Sorry to break your logic, but Pengie is a girl.

Its funny when FamilyRPs have this on their server name "Girls needed", I'm sorry, girls don't exist on blockland.
Sorry to break your logic, but Ningyou is a girl.

I already knew, but I was not thinking right.

Sorry to break your logic, but Pengie is a girl.
Who is Pengie?

I've never been to one and I dislike them

Because youre adopted

Because youre adopted
You realise I'm sitting right beside you and im gonna hit you now right?