Author Topic: Ask FrozenEye, Trymos, and Jairo questions about themselves.  (Read 4782 times)

Will you marry me?

If you were to not answer this question, but think of an answer that you would have posted except that I would have said you couldn't answer but in retrospect you won't exactly post because I said not to, but your mindset is that I'm only saying that to make you answer, what would be your answer?

If you were to not answer this question, but think of an answer that you would have posted except that I would have said you couldn't answer but in retrospect you won't exactly post because I said not to, but your mindset is that I'm only saying that to make you answer, what would be your answer?

Will you marry me?
Yes. I've always had a crush on you.

If you were to not answer this question, but think of an answer that you would have posted except that I would have said you couldn't answer but in retrospect you won't exactly post because I said not to, but your mindset is that I'm only saying that to make you answer, what would be your answer?
Burn it with fire.

If you were to not answer this question, but think of an answer that you would have posted except that I would have said you couldn't answer but in retrospect you won't exactly post because I said not to, but your mindset is that I'm only saying that to make you answer, what would be your answer?
Have you ever had a dream that that you um you um you could um you um you you you want you um you want him to do you so much that you could do anything?

Yes. I've always had a crush on you.
In your face Vegetarian Zombie c:<

Did you ever find me hot?

Burn it with fire.

Okay then. If there was a question you couldn't answer under no circumstances, what would be your exact thoughts about tossed soymilk pudding?

do you like being dead?