Author Topic: Left 4 Block weapons please!  (Read 472 times)

Hi, i downloaded the Gameplay zombie mod thing, but there were not any
weapons. (exept for container thing, but it glitches on me)

I'm looking for some Left 4 Block weapons please!
or like some sorta weapon
like a machine gun or something

I don't like doing media fire stuff. so i wanna direct download
y'know, when you just click it and sumthing at the bottom of Internet Explorer it says

"download (the thing).zip {or sumthing} Open^ cancel

Oh yea, and a zombie secret: when you shoot a zombie with a horse ray, it turns into a HORSE!  :cookieMonster: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

look for Rykuta's L4D2 weapon pack

Search it, it'll pop up somewhere.

And There's also Tier Tactical 2, from the addons section in the forums, but make sure to disable Gamemode Zombie ammo before you start playing.

Also, it's no zombie secret if they get shot with the horse ray and turn into a horse.

It took me to mediafire. i dont liek download sites D:

By "direct download" i ment you dont move to any other site.