Author Topic: prop question  (Read 1427 times)


ok first I just got the entire game

and I have a question about the props so here it is

are there more props like letters and arrows in the entire game or no?

if no can any of you kind people give me a link to a model pack or something

I'm not sure what you mean by props, do you mean to say Special Bricks like Trees, Walls, and Roadways?

There are no model packs that I know of, though you should look around for individual bricks in the Add-Ons section.

If you want to make your own models, use either MilkShape or QUARK with the Torque Engine importer/exporter plugins. You will also need to learn some basic C script or piece the code together from the .cs files in your Blockland directory.

im cofused as well, please specify.

if its those special bricks found in Toys R Us, you got to do what above post said.

sorry for not doing all those things

first I am not a model maker but a map maker

sorry about calling bricks props been playing Gmod to much I guees :nes:

and ok I will search the addons threads


  • Administrator
Letter and arrow textures can be applied to print bricks using the printer tool.  Many additional items/weapons/vehicles can be found in the add-ons forum.

ok just found that out and made a small town :P

thanks badspot