Author Topic: The Person Below Me...  (Read 56902 times)

You say, "The person below me..." and then describe something about the person whom you think will post next.

EXAMPLE (with my usernames in BL, past and present):
Ace Combat: "The person below me has the letter N in their username"
Vegetarian Zombie: "Yup. The person below me dislikes Star Wars."
Dark Lord of the Sith: "No, I love Star Wars. The person below me..."

(Yeah, all those were mine at some point.)

It just goes on and on... Just to pass the time.


The person below me has been banned in the past month.

Also, TPBM is an acronym, if you don't feel like typing out the whoel thing.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 08:58:51 PM by Vegetarian Zombie »


The person below me had wet dreams.

above person is a gay friend for thinking that

the person below me is false


the person below me has Sandvich

:( You're right

the below person is not an alt


The person below me has 2 vowels in his name. No more, no less.

You're wrong.

The person below me is a girl


The person below me is a furry.

Hell no.
The person below me exists.

person below me has minecraft

Why yes I do

The person below me will answer no


The person below me has a blockland key.

WTF is blockland

person blow me smells nice

Nicer than you in any case.

The person below me isn't an starfish like ?.


The person below me is the person below me.