Author Topic: City Rpg Mod  (Read 16827 times)

Is Anyone Kind Enough * :cookieMonster:* To Give Me The Newest City Rpg Mod Weather it is Ibans Or Not I Dont Care Just Intrested in Haveing one for my server :D
And if u wouldnt like to realease to everyone with link you may PM Me It :D Thanks

Or you could use the handy-dandy Search button that was put there for a reason.

I think the good ones are secrets. Lock this thread.

No one will give you it with horrible grammar like that, learn scripting first then try and not be a richard and actually go find it.

Hey Gweecigarette, long time no see.

There's this thing called google.

Search for JJstorms cityrp or somestuff.

Why Do You Talk Like This? 

JJstorms mod is already public on his own forums so really I don't see why you have to bicker when you get easily get something for free and fairly.

<link removed>
Take the Gamemode_CityRPG and place it in your blockland/add-ons folder and be sure to enable it by clicking "Addons" and checking it when you host.
No support regarding to usage of the mod will be provided by me.

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 01:19:45 AM by Badspot »

Take the Gamemode_CityRPG and place it in your blockland/add-ons folder and be sure to enable it by clicking "Addons" and checking it when you host.
No support regarding to usage of the mod will be provided by me.


Not just inb4 he is defiantly facing a perma ban.  You would know that too jasa.

Not just inb4 he is defiantly facing a perma ban.  You would know that too jasa.

You got banned for releasing my broken as hell mod a while back then being a butthurt you just finally gave up trying to destroy my city until recently impersonating custard and swat because your still butthurt now from almost 2-3 months ago.

Quote from: Jasa
Quote from: Titanium on April 01, 2011, 07:15:59 PM
Congratulations.  You posted a link to a mod which is widely available on Blockland.  We're ruined![\quote]
I couldn't find SurburbPitro's RP mod anywhere.
Quote from:  Titanium on April 01, 2011, 07:15:59 PM
In case you are not aware Jasa, people no longer care about your banning.  No one talks about it.  People still come to the server.  City RP mods are easily obtained through a simple Google search.  The only one prolonging this stupid drama is you and your misguided attempts to derail the server.[\quote]
Quote from:  Jasa
I warned Surburb that if he didn't unban me I'd release it.

User was banned for this post

You got banned for releasing my broken as hell mod a while back then being a butthurt you just finally gave up trying to destroy my city until recently impersonating custard and swat because your still butthurt now from almost 2-3 months ago.

Oh god, I lol'd
"You got banned for releasing my broken as hell mod"

That's got to be humiliating ;x

You got banned for releasing my broken as hell mod a while back then being a butthurt you just finally gave up trying to destroy my city until recently impersonating custard and swat because your still butthurt now from almost 2-3 months ago.
I never impersonated them?

Then why would custard go at me saying to take my loving rp down because it sucks and who would impersonate swat725 on irc saying that he's not finishing his builds and is going to quit blockland?  Besides I have picture proof if your really that stupid.