Author Topic: How did you figure out your username?  (Read 3685 times)

I basically used my Steam name.

the gas station.

in fact, my original avatar was the logo

my old one, kakashi11, was when i like naruto, and i was 11.

my newone, Howoriginal, is my own, i was trying to think of a original name, :D

Tokthree is derived from Tok of Krytor, which was my characters name back when I played Guild Wars with my brother, it has simply stuck since then

My friend and I were having a discussion that was pretty much just random whatever-popped-into-our-heads.
He asked me, "What do vegetarian zombies eat?" I said I had no idea. He replied, "GRAAAAAINS!!!" I thought it was really funny, so I made it my name here.

I don't really know.

Never watched Heroes until recently.


Hero with an I?

And Dradge. I made that up. I dunno/

I'm a loving genius thats how.

I don't really know.

Never watched Heroes until recently.


Hero with an I?

And Dradge. I made that up. I dunno/

Dradge = Drudge

You're not very original

d = first initial

kamm = last name

65 = result of punching numpad

Years ago everyone on Myspace (herpderp) was coming up with badass usernames and I COMPLETELY failed at trying to make one and chose "Nightmare Duckie", but now it's stuck in my soul and it's me.

years ago wanting to join club penguin  looks around room sees jeff gordon car

24 is cool

Dradge = Drudge

You're not very original
Drudge is a word?

I just kept going thru names till I found one I liked

Wich is Pie man and im sticking with it