Author Topic: Dedicated Server Trouble  (Read 1044 times)

So every time I run a dedicated server it launches the terminal goes through all the coding crap then says its ready to play!  So i go onto Blockland and see that theres no ping just ---.  I took some pictures using a screenshot and hopefully the pics will help.
Some extra info
I have a mac
I have Port Fowarded
I can run a regular server EASILY with no lag
And here are the pictures

Okay so the first picture is the very top of the terminal coding not that much information will probably be given out here

The second picture is below the first picture and if you notice it says UPnP Discovery Failed and that it is using the port i always use (28000)

And the last picture is just of the completed terminal process (process complete, done, server running, etc.)

Please please please help with this I have been having this one problem for quite some time now THANK YOU!

Is their any issue beyond the ping being '---' ?
Are other players unable to join?
If it's only you that's unable to join, try query LAN and join through there.

UPnP discovery failed just means that it won't use UPnP, which doesn't matter since your port forwarding.

Port-Forward. Your router doesn't support UPnP, apparently.

Is their any issue beyond the ping being '---' ?
Are other players unable to join?
If it's only you that's unable to join, try query LAN and join through there.

UPnP discovery failed just means that it won't use UPnP, which doesn't matter since your port forwarding.
Yes people can't join only I can by using LAN

Port-Forward. Your router doesn't support UPnP, apparently.
I did port foward

What is your Internet type? (Dial-up, cable)

I did port foward
If you did port forward there's no point in using UPnP. Disable UPnP and that may do something.

What is your Internet type? (Dial-up, cable)
Um..... I think it's dial up (seeing as it's not connected to a cable but I'm not sure) 
If you did port forward there's no point in using UPnP. Disable UPnP and that may do something.
K how do I do that?

Everyone suggesting port forwarding and stuff, keep in mind he can host a non-dedicated server just fine.
So that's not the issue,

Everyone suggesting port forwarding and stuff, keep in mind he can host a non-dedicated server just fine.
So that's not the issue,

Go into options > network and click "Disable UPnP".

Go into options > network and click "Disable UPnP".
Than man and this is for Mac right?

Ha ha Kalphiter just helped me with this ;3

Great block can you help me or send me a link to that topic