Author Topic: TBC, is shutting down :(  (Read 16607 times)

The ones on the site on the first page.  :cookieMonster:

good lord thoes are old

lol yeah those are outdated... why didnt we ever finish that anyway too much lag?

"Blockland players also divide themselves up into groups called clans, which commonly get together and build."

I need to update the pictures, the first one is of a house i made.. it sucks.. but then.. I made it a long time ago XD

Anyway, please post pictures of the builds you built in the gallery section of our forum so i can add them to the website and update pictures with actual good pictures  :cookieMonster:

Cookie Monster can come too.  :cookieMonster:

I repeat, we need to keep this thread alive. If we dont then it will be hard to spread word about TBC, also this was typed on a PSP I forgot i had for a while.

I lol at you cnc, you get a  :cookie: for typing all that on a psp.

I repeat, we need to keep this thread alive. If we dont then it will be hard to spread word about TBC, also this was typed on a PSP I forgot i had for a while.

its really really hard and it takes for ever...

Lol, Thats how you know a true blockland member. I used to post on the forums on my psp!

I do too if my Wii is effed up and my sister is on AIM.  :cookieMonster:

I posted on one site with my ps3 :D lol im finally starting to get quite fast at it though i may get a usb keyboard for it idk if theres a point when you  have a headset though........

I've decided to make an offical post on the requirements for TBC in the BL forums (and it will eventually be on the main site)

So you wana join TBC? TBC is the building clan and we try to do just that. Build. whether were all working randomly on a themed build (for example an island build where all the buildings have a certian tropical style) or somebody might load there build and we all put our skills into that build. I dont want to be a big super hard to get into clan. But you still have to be able to build very well

1. We must like you. I dont want annoying members giving TBC a bad rep and if i see after you join that you are a problem i have no problem in banning you from the clan.
2. When you make an app i want to see what your capable of. It can be a house or anything! Here's a more detailed list of what i want to see,

A. Style/Theme - its gotta have some kinda theme and it MUST flow. I dont want to see random things that are out of theme and don't fit in or just stick out and dont have any value. This also includes colors it looks nicer when everything matches color wise.

B. Use big bricks - One of my pet-peeves is a pointless use of small bricks(epically ramp bricks) Why is this important? if were all building a big build and a new member had a habit of using small bricks it would really lag us up while were building.

C. Make it good! I want to see your best work. Dont just throw something togeather and call it an app. The more you app the lower your chances become of getting in!
D. If i ask you to fix something and you fix it and it passes my expectations, i do take that into account.

E. If i find you stole it that will mean an automatic perma ban.

Note: Even if you do all these things, that doesn't mean that you will get in. the tings i mentioned above are guide lines, not requirements. So you could not follow the guide lines and still get in, as long as its a good build. 

B. Use big bricks - One of my pet-peeves is a pointless use of small bricks(epically ramp bricks) Why is this important? if were all building a big build and a new member had a habit of using small bricks it would really lag us up while were building.
Thats mine too!  :cookieMonster:

Mine as well, i dont have the best computer so i lag easily.

Also mine.
It would take a hella lot now to lag meh... I need to test it... I would laugh if I gave up at 100k bricks and said "Screw it."