Author Topic: TBC, is shutting down :(  (Read 16604 times)

Why?: Both dios and i go to the same school and have basically the same classes (well, all the hard ones). So both of us are inactive at the same time along with activities we both do outside of school that cut our time. So, basically, TBC is not a clan, its a name, and with no leader to accept people, run clan builds, etc. TBC becomes a name, not a clan. Also, i'm NOT quitting blockland. I just want to build solo and the clan seriously cuts into that so when i do get on BL, i don't have much time to deal with building and it really sucks. TBC could potentially come back. But it wont in 2007. Summer is the best time for clans, period. And ever since school started lots of people have been inactive. So i think this is the best thing to do. (If i shut it down, its down, let it rest in peace. If i keep it up it dies, it just falls on its inactive head, and thats not what i want i want to lay it to rest, and it not fall.)

It was fun, but everything must come to an end. And i have a feeling it would have fallen anyway but it would have been in a worse way than this.

PS. AGAIN, I AM NOT QUITTING, PERIOD. You will see me on BL when i have a chance to get on. I love blockland, i love its people and i espically love building (cause its... blockland...)

P.S.S: If anyone says there running TBC, its a lie. I DID NOT hand the clan over to anyone. Because that usually leads to an Epic fail.

P.S.S.S: This is NOT out of spite. Its not becuase of an arguement or anything. its just what i feel is best. I dont hate you.

inactivity (espically of BOTH leaders)  = Clan killer

« Last Edit: September 23, 2007, 01:09:48 PM by Mr_Grinch14 »

Hi, I'm a TBC member. Missed the last group build. but will not miss the next. see ya

-Sniped newbie message-

This is a fun, enjoyable clan.

one of my favorite's and my 2nd main clan (the first one in the dead-iah gas clan)
« Last Edit: September 08, 2007, 03:33:16 PM by Digmaster »

Idea for the TBC clan member list:    Use BL ID numbers on your list as well as commonly used names. I don't change my name ever, but others do. For instance. Mr. Grinch got me into TBC. Mr.Grinches name is not on the list. Does he have a different name?  My number is 516 for future references.
    Also, should forum discussions for the clan be held here, or at the TBC websites forums, or both?

Mr. Grinch's name is Trueno if you didnt know.. lol

Anyway Good idea, I will be altering all the websites using dreamweaver so give me some time. I need to get google adsense running then we will be up and running.

lol, Yeah, i talked to trueno about it. felt like a dummy. haha.

hey everyone, Just reminding you that TBC is accepting new members right now.

If you are interested in joining go to

and hopefully the site will be but not yet

Come join us,


im in it whats the next group build?

I have tried to join but well...  I can't find Trueno.  He said he would let me join if he could see my building.  He said i didn't need to fill out an application or whatever.  So if he is not on can i show someone else???

We have started the Clan Alliance in our clan. Go to and click clan alliance to join us :-)


Ive forgotten my password to the forums, and all of the Password reset methods( theres only 2) don't work.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2007, 05:38:15 PM by cncwarlord »

I'll reset yours to the old thingy, abc123 :-P

Just hurry and change it..

OK Tbc member list, as of now:

1. Trueno - 149
2. Diosadentro - 631
3. Dan
4. Digmaster - 242
5. Greekgeeker - 194
6. Tape - 121
7. CnCWarlord - 419
8. -Banned-
9. Carzo - 289
10. Joebus
11. +singapura+
12. Jeremy - 211
13. Mike34
14. CrazyCommandoGY

and some others im forgeting
« Last Edit: June 30, 2007, 08:49:43 PM by diosadentro »