Author Topic: chater club website clan  (Read 962 times)

once moremy website clan ware you can take my quizz chat fixing the games music and videos and some times
i post stuff that if you can get a link to a build i made like there is this epic build called my dreem house its 10353 bricks download here

can i joinz thez clanz it looksss so cool heya

Not really.

can i joinz thez clanz it looksss so cool heya

Not really.
yes you can you are now a member all you got to do now is sign up in my website

can i joinz thez clanz it looksss so cool heya

Not really.

i dont mind if you have bad or good grammar remember dont spam =)
hi i'm your host preston need info contack me in the chat or any ware you thank i will see it =) i take time to see what you post remember never ever cuss or be mean on this site
« Last Edit: August 31, 2011, 09:02:20 PM by yourthatdude »

CN I JOEN???>!

Dudezez we can leik totally mak a hose togeder.