Author Topic: Sopranos series finale  (Read 756 times)

For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about you should probably refrain from thoughts until you read the plot synopses.

If you heard of it but never watched the series when you were younger (me), here is the "controversial" ending to the series.

I watched the scene and I can't figure out what happens next.  Is it supposed to be something like (Inception's ending?  Where it's up to you to assume whats next?)  If so, what do you think happened?  Please use transparent color tags for spoilers, don't be a richard and ruin the plot.
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I think (Meadow (the girl who walks in at the end after parking like a NJ woman) had a gun and used it to kill Tony.  Either that, or she joined in with the rest of the family at the table and everything went better than expected.).

do you think they'll ever make a "Tenors" or "Altos?"

do you think they'll ever make a "Tenors" or "Altos?"

NOT the singing styles.

I was referring to saxophone types as a joke, I know what the show is

I was referring to saxophone types as a joke, I know what the show is
Oh, ok.

...any thoughts on the ending? :(

I don't know, I don't watch it
what's it even about?
sounds like a soap opera to me

I think (The girl runs in and yells at the father and shoots him. This coming from a guy  who has never watched the Sopranos).

I don't know, I don't watch it
what's it even about?
sounds like a soap opera to me

It is NOT a soap opera.  It's an HBO series about a man, Tony Soprano, who generally runs a mafia family and deals with business, family relationships, etc.

They're still making the show?
Lol, I thought it died years ago.

It is NOT a soap opera.  It's an HBO series about a man, Tony Soprano, who generally runs a mafia family and deals with business, family relationships, etc.
you mean like those Godfather movies

They're still making the show?
Lol, I thought it died years ago.
It did...

I'm discussing the ending.

you mean like those Godfather movies
Somewhat but in the form of a series and different characters.

I liked the third Godfather
except for that girl who played the guy's daughter
she was a really bad actor

This is my thought of the ending.

Great Show BTW.