Author Topic: Its not a Vacation house... ._.  (Read 4662 times)

Sup. Boston Terrier (My friend) suggested to me that i post my House on the Gallery. So i did. I built the house and everything in it. Here are some pictures :D. I am going to be adding a few things. But as of right now ive completed most of the house.

This is the exterior of the house. Not much to say its all pretty basic.

This is the Living room when you first walk in. I will be making some adjustments later but this is the most part.

This is the kitchen. As you can see it is connected to the living room through an Arch doorway. (i will majorly be working on that dang refridgerator i was just in a rush to finnish the first floor)

This is the garage. It is connected to the kitchen and is also very basic.

Finally this is the (Updated) Master bedroom. It is complete. For now .
Thats all of my house so far. I will be updating it later. And now for a buddy picture :D

Boston Terrier, Bloodwolf, and Captain awesomeface (including me) are in this picture :D
(havent had time to"update" my buddy picture due to friends not being around.

I also may post some more picture(s) later. (Such as the lights at night.)


This is my newest edition to the upstairs, the Study.


The newest edition (which will also be worked on and edited a lot) The back porch.

« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 09:02:10 PM by bobafet5 »

That vacation house looks way too familiar.

That vacation house looks way too familiar.
It's from Eksi's Chocolate Bar episodes

I know it does but i didnt steal it... ive gotten that a lot..
« Last Edit: September 10, 2011, 08:41:57 PM by bobafet5 »

Yeah, the house isn't stolen.

Anywho, nice job on the build.

This is clockturns house.  Saw it start from finish in my very own server before we even opened and I have seen this as well in Ekis's Chocolate bar videos.

Excuse the water in this as it was built here originally and we just never accounted for water.

This is clockturns house.  Saw it start from finish in my very own server before we even opened and I have seen this as well in Ekis's Chocolate bar videos.

Excuse the water in this as it was built here originally and we just never accounted for water.

And if you read in the earlier comments, someone proved it wasnt from Eksi's chocolate bar episodes... :/ and it wasnt stolen.


if you would look, you would see huge differences.

And if you read in the earlier comments, someone proved it wasnt from Eksi's chocolate bar episodes... :/ and it wasnt stolen.

please don't quote big images.

its me in the pic i just wanna say i have the brown malehaired face and my shirt is the black minecraft t

I think this is a stolen, edited build.

Not exactly the same but significantly similar.

I think this is a stolen, edited build.

Not exactly the same but significantly similar.

I think this is a stolen, edited build.

Not exactly the same but significantly similar.
Same. It looks exactly like it, with different colors, bigger windows, and no roof.

If anything it was heavily inspired by Eksi's Chocolate Bar, which is just fine as long as it's not the same brick for brick.