Author Topic: The legion  (Read 1988 times)

They need to learn to use guns IMO

Mesa found this avatar on random website >:C And then i added the hat from the fancy hat
Theres like 6 people using that avatar.

forget your stuff

ima hang with my brotherhood of steel bros

I stayed with the NCR, BoS in NV were annoying as hell and stupid (they were awesome in fallout 3)

I'm ok with Yes Man but i prefer staying with NCR.

I love new vegas, i finished the main quest for the Dark Brother Hoods side.
what? why are you mixing games up?

I stayed with the NCR, BoS in NV were annoying as hell and stupid (they were awesome in fallout 3)

I'm ok with Yes Man but i prefer staying with NCR.

This man knows his stuff :D

I like to side with yes man, but do all of the NCR quests. A lot of the NCR quests make the wasteland a better place for everyone.

Basically I align myself with good things.

Ave, True to caesar, NCR and Proud, BoS
forget all of them I'll kill whatever looks at me.

I stayed with the NCR, BoS in NV were annoying as hell and stupid (they were awesome in fallout 3)

I'm ok with Yes Man but i prefer staying with NCR.
On NCR and yes man I leave the BOS alive so veronica won't hate me. c: