Author Topic: My Uncle is Alcoholic  (Read 953 times)

And I need help on dealing with it.

(Note: The following phrases are NOT exaggerated at all. Seriously.)
My uncle came home a couple nights ago drunk. He was an alcoholic, and the only reason we were letting him stay at our house is to have a family safety net to try to stay off alcohol. Anyway, drunk. My dad said, "You're drunk, aren't you?" (He grew up in NY, he doesn't mince words)
My uncle said laughed and said, "No, I'm not." A slur was obvious in his speech. My dad got upset, this wasn't the first time he did this. My uncle retreated to what used to be my room, he took my room when he moved in. He started getting REALLY pissed. My mom came down the hall at the noise. My dad was yelling about how awful what my uncle was doing. My uncle slammed the door in my mom and dad's face, and he yelled, "YOU ARE ALWAYS TELLING ME WHAT TO loving DO!" My dad got really annoyed now and yelled at him. My uncle repeated. "YOU'RE ALWAYS TELLING ME WHAT TO loving DO!" Me and my brothers were trying to sleep in the next room over. My mom said, "Stop it! My children are right next to you, I don't want them hearing this!" He yelled back, "I DON'T CARE! LET 'EM loving HEAR!" probably get the idea... I don't think I need to go farther.
Anyway... help.

Oh god, that sounds serious. You should get your parents to talk to him about it, calmly, to find a solution.

Oh god, that sounds serious. You should get your parents to talk to him about it, calmly, to find a solution.

He threatens to leave if they even bring it up.

Then tell him to leave.

Then tell him to leave.

My mom and dad have told him if he keeps this up he will have to leave.

He threatens to leave if they even bring it up.

Then he should leave. It's his choice. He can't be a grown up man and live with his other family members because he is an alcoholic pathetic enough to yell at your parents after all they're doing for him. They're letting him live there, he should be happy instead of yelling at them while they're doing nothing wrong.

Make him stop drinking.

At gunpoint.

Can you tell ur parent, your uncle need go to AA meeting to sober. No one force him until he feel ready go to AA meeting. Cuz I seen these people did themself drunk, drugs, addict loveual. If uncle not listen your dad or mom. Give him time clam down and talk to your uncle, how much you love him and ofter him go to AA meeting, if he want go with you or without, depend on his feel desire to. He need trust someone. Yell will never work.

Can you tell ur parent, your uncle need go to AA meeting to sober. No one force him until he feel ready go to AA meeting. Cuz I seen these people did themself drunk, drugs, addict loveual. If uncle not listen your dad or mom. Give him time clam down and talk to your uncle, how much you love him and ofter him go to AA meeting, if he want go with you or without, depend on his feel desire to. He need trust someone. Yell will never work.

He was going to go to an AA meeting, but he blew it off to go drink. Irony.

He was going to go to an AA meeting, but he blew it off to go drink. Irony.
Oh I see. Up to him, if he want to stop drunk, he has do it himslef.

I swear, I'll quit tomorrow.

tell him to sort his life out, if he threatens to leave then thats his problem not yours. Cos at the end of the day its your house not his.

He threatens to leave if they even bring it up.
Tell him, "Don't threaten me with a good time."

my dad is an alcoholic, He quit, then he quit smoking, he said it was easier to quit smoking than drinking.

though he has started smoking again, so I don't know how true it is.