Author Topic: 10,000th Post  (Read 838 times)

As the title said, this is my 10,000th post so I decided to make a big dumb topic about it. Plus it was my two year anniversary a few days ago so I guess that counts too. Still I wonder why I love you guys so much...

So uh, discuss post counts and how long you've been here and whatnot.


Okay thats enough ruining the joke.

D'awwwwwww I love you, too Proog.
Even though I just met you c:

Posts:   10921 (11.947 per day)
Date Registered:   March 17, 2009, 08:43:26 PM

i'm over two years old :D

stfu superslyox...... or should i say superCOX


stfu superslyox...... or should i say superCOX


My rooster is quite super.

My rooster is quite super.

haha yeah it would be if you were a GAY HOMO!!!!!!

Had this in my dropbox:


Posts:   300 (0.399 per day)
Date Registered:   August 26, 2009, 02:06:51 PM

except this is 301 :c

Posts:    23492 (20.535 per day)
Date Registered:    July 31, 2008, 09:33:56