Author Topic: CNAI B DOGE? (V2)  (Read 16995 times)

Just don't bump this thread. Its dumb.

Why because you severely lost an argument in an attempt to look cool in front of little kids? Don't think so. A lot of people find this Blockland Meme entertaining and humorous. I find you annoying and a pest.

Cursing = Inappropriate to kids = Reported = Thread Deleted

Who signifies anything as 'inappropriate'?  Has anyone ever wonder why a simple, small word like stuff or richard count as being a curse word and therefor bad?  stuff is one letter away from ship, richard and forget from forget, ass/jackass is the name of an animal, motherforgeter was an old term for someone who sleeps with another man's wife (i think, i heard that a long time ago on a tv program), the n word's (don't want to type it because my cultural back ground disapproves of its usage)offense comes from the word nigrum (latin base for black), hell is a place, bitch is the word for a female dog, cunt, pusillanimous individual, and twat are all growing in popularity to describe a woman's vaginal area...  All I am saying is that words only have meaning if you put a meaning to them.  This is similar to saying that old 'sticks and stones may break my bones...' stuff.

Gen, the problem was already solved and contained. C:

Cursing = Inappropriate to kids = Reported = Thread Deleted
inappropriate for kids.
You mean like you?

That dog on the shirt looks adorable! Someone should make a player-type of it! :D

That dog on the shirt looks adorable! Someone should make a player-type of it! :D
Phydeoux made one. Search it up on RTB.

Phydeoux made one. Search it up on RTB.

I can't find it. Could you PM me the link?

Its the Fooly Fun Commands dog. Mod still works.

Its the Fooly Fun Commands dog. Mod still works.

Oh. But Phydeoux Didn't make that. Did he?

Oh. But Phydeoux Didn't make that. Did he?
Fooly Cooly made FFC

Yeah, but Master Blaster said:

I have no idea what Master is talking about, but I used the FFC mod for the doge model.

I have no idea what Master is talking about, but I used the FFC mod for the doge model.

Oh. Thanks for clearing that up.