Author Topic: Dear Kaje  (Read 12139 times)


A love Life - ASL - Age love Location, some thing is going on here.
i know where mocheeze lives
Mocheeze AKA Alex Mofatt.
age 23 (guess)
Lives in portland when he is going to school
lives at his moms when he is not


i asked him like a year ago :P
I think the only thing you got exactly correct was "Mocheeze" in there. Everything else was just a wee bit off. Close, but all wrong. ;) Your memory might be rusty. :P

kaphix once posted everything about mocheeze, even his phonenumber

kaphix once posted everything about mocheeze, even his phonenumber
Yeah, and you were the only one who called...

Kompressor did lots to help Blockland, and to commemorate his help, I drew this picture of him.

This picture is now hanging up on the office fridge.

kaphix once posted everything about mocheeze, even his phonenumber
Yeah, and you were the only one who called...
really? cause he like said that people should prank call it i thought

Yeah it's obvious that Kaphix wuvs Moch alot. He tells me all the time.

Yeah it's obvious that Kaphix wuvs Moch alot. He tells me all the time.

who doesn't lub moch?

Nay, the ladies don't appreciate his subtle in your face dating scheme.

Did you guys know that Mocheeze is a MAGICIAN

A love Life - ASL - Age love Location, some thing is going on here.

perverted topic. still, i lol'd. but that wasn't nice.