Author Topic: Owen  (Read 3675 times)

Free speech as in, I can write what I want on here, as long as it doesn't break the rules? I thought we established this.
badspot wants to ban you
he will ban you

Free speech as in, I can write what I want on here, as long as it doesn't break the rules? I thought we established this.
You 'can' write whatever, because each post isn't indivudualy approved before it is posted.
So saying you 'can' write 'what you want' is more or less an empty statement which doesn't need to be said.

badspot wants to ban you
he will ban you

Yeah? I understand that, but why would he for no reason?

That would just be bad ownership?

Your being here is a privilege, not a right. Badspot has no legal obligation to not ban you unless you specifically break rules.

That would just be bad ownership?
More or less almost everyone thinks whenever Badspot bans someone, it's fair.
Those that don't, were probably banned by him.

Thing is, he can just go out, and ban someone for 'being a douche / an starfish' or whatever if he wants, because it would be improving the community. He's done it before, even though there's no 'dont be an starfish' rule as far as I know.

Your being here is a privilege, not a right. Badspot has no legal obligation to not ban you unless you specifically break rules.

Okay? I knew that?

I can still write what I want that doesn't break the rules and hope he doesn't ban me? ...and so can you? We risk the chance every time we post. -.-

Okay? I knew that?

I can still write what I want that doesn't break the rules and hope he doesn't ban me? ...and so can you? We risk the chance every time we post. -.-
Most of us don't worry about being banned with every post.
If that's a serious consern, you're doing something wrong.

Oh shut the hell up about being able to write whatever you want.
Yes, sure, you can write whatever. But if you're going to spout increasingly idiotic remarks as you are right now then you cannot use that as a loving excuse. Just because you have the ability to act like a total moron does not mean that you always have to.

Most of us don't worry about being banned with every post.
If that's a serious consern, you're doing something wrong.

I don't worry? Why do you think I keep posting? If I was worried, I wouldn't post at all. -.-

Bed, hit me up on this thread if you want.

Someone tell me if my argument here is valid.
The thread was on the second or third page and had not been posted in for a few days before he posted, with only the following:

He would do something richard-ish like that.
>thread is about something that happened a year ago
>that has no proof of me actually doing anything bad
>topic is made by a noname idiot
>thread starts to die

You obviously bumped it just because you were pissed I made a successful drama topic about you, so you needed to get back however you could.
Good job bro, it's ridiculously and humorously obvious.
Where is your proof that I did that? It is pretty funny you'd believe that, I agree. :P
Uh, try the lines with the greater than sign before them.
This topic was not only stupid (proofless, about something over a year old, made by some noname who proved himself stupid, etc.) but was already on the second page, and haden't been posted in for four days.
Therefore you went out of your way to bump it after discussion had ended, to post something that had already been posted, only after I made a drama topic about you and got agreement on it from many other members.

Well, I'm virtually hated because people don't like when you voice your opinion. That's why I saw it coming, also because people said someone should make a drama.
your opinion was formed out of complete and utter stupidity

Owen used to annoy me but now I bear him.

But it is okay for Shell to edit a picture of him and write "No comment" which is pretty much an enlarged emote?

 :cookieMonster: <-- This makes you mad?

User was banned for this post