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Author Topic: Phydeoux's Add-on Topic  (Read 96204 times)

bot events completely break onplayertouch. any event registered with onplayertouch will occur TWICE with those events enabled. reported this numerous times and the author hasn't fixed it and it hasn't been removed from RTB.

Is that the only one? I guess that's why I didn't notice any problems, because I hardly ever used onplayertouch.

Well then somebody else should take over and release their own bot events and keep it updated. But right now Amade's is what we have.

I heard a completely different story. I heard that T+T doesn't work with Rotondo's Zombiemod. I have T+T and bot events and they seem to work just fine. Course I only use the RTB versions, I don't use any other versions of T+T that bushi released in his thread.
Yeah, I think when Rots ammo sytem is enabled, it screws of over T+T

The farm animals look nice, but I don't really like their style. I'd much prefer ones with floating limbs, like your old dog AI.

If you mean a real train as in with trailer kind of things behind it and stuff like that, then i would like to refer to the trailer for the truck thing.

No, i meant train on tracks

Are you going to make the dangerous animals attack you like Wild Dog?

Farm Animals submitted. As long as I didn't do something stupid you can expect to see it on RTB soon.

Since Forest Animals is in the lead I did some quick models. If you can tell what they are then that's a good start.

I don't like the one on the left. Probably gonna scrap it.
I like the deer(moose?)

The farm animals look nice, but I don't really like their style. I'd much prefer ones with floating limbs, like your old dog AI.

Well you are more than welcome to model them yourself and plug them into add-on once it goes through.

I heard a completely different story. I heard that T+T doesn't work with Rotondo's Zombiemod. I have T+T and bot events and they seem to work just fine. Course I only use the RTB versions, I don't use any other versions of T+T that bushi released in his thread.
Gamemode_Zombie has his own ammo thingy that breaks Bushi's ammo thingy.

Did you release that bus in the picture?

How about Aquatic life? I want to see sharks, fish, clams, lobsters, etc.

How about Aquatic life? I want to see sharks, fish, clams, lobsters, etc.

do it phy do it do it

Why add the busses if you haven't even released them? as far as I know, thats the ONLY add-ons you haven't released from that whole vehicles pack

How about Aquatic life? I want to see sharks, fish, clams, lobsters, etc.

•Might Do's

•Animal Player-type Packs
-Ocean pack: Great White Shark, Hammerhead Shark, Sting Ray, Tuna, Swordfish, Squid, Jellyfish, Lobster, Crab
-Fresh water Pack: Bass, Pirahna, Catfish