Author Topic: LMGTFY Live - Watch what people are googling, and have a good laugh.  (Read 3197 times)

This was the first my first experience, captured this once the "Let me google that for you..." disappeared.

bunch of bots/idiots with tons of windows open doing "research research research" "do a barrel roll" etc

I just got loads of "google gravity" and "do a barrel roll", with some queries in russian and german here and there.

Who the forget keeps doing "Google Gravity?" It's spamming up the good ones.

bunch of bots/idiots with tons of windows open doing "research research research" "do a barrel roll" etc

actually, I found out they are typing " (adding anything here)" in lmgtfy and it loops, eventually it starts appearing on the Live website.
at first I actually thought it was just a number of people doing the same searches, now I'm disappointed. :c

Someone just googled "Gay bacon" and "My brother is a homo".
« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 01:44:30 PM by Destroyer »

google gravity
Boooooooooooooooobbbbbbyyyyyy s
do a barrel roll
Human Centipede deutsch
Bini guet oder bini guet?
google gravity
Google Gravity
google gravity
google gravity
do a barrel roll
gay bacon
lemon party
obama autopen
google gravity
What's trolling?
prefab betontrap


Google gravity.

that is all.

google gravity?


Google Gravity.
Google Gravity everywhere.