Author Topic: Lord Tony is a little baby girl and an attention whore.  (Read 150227 times)

Okay Lord Tony hates bronies and Bronies hate Lord Tony.
All they do is argue.
Opposites attract,  :cookieMonster:.

Okay Lord Tony hates bronies and Bronies hate Lord Tony.
All they do is argue.
Opposites attract,  :cookieMonster:.

And you are also a brony.

>makes this post
Stop being unhelpful and go help the homeless instead of spiting people on the internet

god knows the homeless need our effort and charity.

>after making this post
Tony's 'reign over ponies' is so confounded that I have no words to be able to describe it. I could crack open a thesaurus and spend weeks finding words that can even begin to do my feelings justice. Despite what you think; no, I am not defending bronies. I know how you can't fathom the fact that somebody may just not like you instead of being in some kind of occult conspiring to destroy your 'forum image', but hear me out. I find them as equally annoying as you do. The key factor is that I can shut the up about it in the first place makes me the better person in the long run. It may be gloating, but I'm pretty sure everyone agrees with me that this whole fiasco has gone on long enough.

You've wasted hours to days to weeks on end, and almost two accounts on this whole charade. You've put in more effort to troll those who aren't bright enough to grasp a toothbrush properly, and then when somebody throws out a solid argument, you act like the whole thing slides right off without impact. The fact that you're in your early twenties frightens me; I've seen ten-year-olds who provided more intelligent discussions than you could scrape out of your frontal lobe.

I'm sure like me, everyone else is tired of your shenanigans or exhausted from putting effort into their argument only to have you flaunt it off and act like it was nothing. If you think you're not in the wrong, you're a very sick man who needs to sort out his own issues before telling other people what theirs are.

You'd think after a whole year, you'd finally get bored of crying pony and figure out that hey: nobody actually cares what you have to think about a children's tv show being discussed on the forum. Yeah, the fact that adolescents are watching my little pony can make one's skin crawl. Yes, that stuff doesn't really belong in this forum in the first place. My point is that the effort and toil you've put into this thing is rather astounding. I'm not going to call you a no-life loser, or laugh at you and tease you saying you live in your mother's basement, but I do have one question.

Do you not have any other activity to spend your time doing? Like a job, or a hobby or even continue making castles in blockland? Surely the hours you are putting into this whole thing isn't healthy for you.

As for those who are the lead against tony, go away. Especially you, boltster. Does your very existence derive from calling troubled people stupid when you don't agree? I don't have very much room to say this, but you're a bigger drama whore than tony could possibly be. If tony stopped doing all this immediately, you would still be attacking him. Don't act like you're not at fault as you've provoked him just as much as he's provoked you.

Could you attack the problem and not the person? Why not tell him what you think about what he's doing and not what you think of him? I'm pretty guilty of doing the same thing, but this isn't about me. Boltster, you ride the "attention whore" card like a dog horny for drama. Literally anything could be condoned in the name of whoring attention. It seems that when you say 'attention whore', you really mean that you don't have enough imagination to provide any solid argument.

It's like I'm listening to a broken record, for god's sake.

From now on any post with "scrub(s)" can be held completely worthless and the one whom posted it be held as an ignorant buffoon.

Tony's not the only one, child.

He must have mistaken you for a brony because you're equally as annoying.

The fact that you keep milking this drama for entertainment is really pitiable. Although I'd expect this certain behavior from you. Stop wasting everyone's time if you don't have anything worthwhile to say.

And that sums up my feelings. I hope this is read because it took awhile to clean up due to my scottish side making me curse almost every sentence.

Every sentence.

And you are also a brony.
No I mean to say is you attack bronies for absolutely nothing then they feed you.

I'm not a brony nor do I have anything against them, unlike you attacking them constantly I think you are one.

No I mean to say is you attack bronies for absolutely nothing then they feed you.

You have it the other way around.

Now he's associating my bronyism with my gaming skills and using it as some sort of insult.
A fluttershy boy can't beat the last boss in Half-Life 1?

Now he's associating my bronyism with my gaming skills and using it as some sort of insult.

It was just an observation.

It was just an observation.
And it had nothing to do with anything, it's just a terrible excuse to continue overusing your "Fluttershy boy" insult which isn't even a legit insult anyway.

And it had nothing to do with anything, it's just a terrible excuse to continue overusing your "Fluttershy boy" insult which isn't even a legit insult anyway.

I'm not using it as an insult. You are a fluttershy boy so I am calling you a fluttershy boy.

If you don't like people calling you a brony or fluttershy boy then stop calling yourself it.

I'm not using it as an insult. You are a fluttershy boy so I am calling you a fluttershy boy.
That's no reason to insert it into every sentence you say about me. You're clearly using it as some kind of insult.

That's no reason to insert it into every sentence you say about me. You're clearly using it as some kind of insult.

Well I didn't realize Fluttershy Boys didn't like being called Fluttershy Boys.

in this page: amateur jimmy rustler hits the jackpot

Fluttershy Boys always accuse others of hacking.

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 03:31:31 PM by Badspot »

I don't ever recall Flubbman calling himself a Fluttershy Boy, so Tony is pretty much just spamming the same thing in hopes of getting a reaction.

Isn't Tony like, 21 or something?