Author Topic: Aeschylus' Server  (Read 11424 times)

This is the only server I've been going to for 3 weeks lol

You were AFK.
My admin was gone.
No minigame.


Theres this guy

His name is Supersylox

He would make an awesome admin

Um yeah, I'd like to report a dumb admin

Operator vandalized one of my rebel propaganda things (did a really bad job at it as well) and kept on talking about how it was "spork pr0n"
then he kept on screwing around, teleporting himself in a garbage truck (MY garbage truck) right by me
And to finish it all off, he talked about clearing the "spork pr0n", which meant clearing my bricks, normally this wouldn't mean much to me, but I just finished work on a jammin rebel base, only to have it cleared

yes, I mad

i can't loving connect because the map won't load some stuff, even after i downloaded it

yeah guys just ignore what i said, its cool

sorry, didn't see that, i'll try.

Conclusion; Needs better/more admins and more life to the server.

if my friend Robert doesnt come over again today then I'll be on the whole time

well stuff, "can't load gasstation.mis"