Author Topic: Extrude - Constant derailing  (Read 2539 times)
Look at his posts here.
Couldn't quote them, topic was locked.
To be fair, he didn't write the topic subject.
But the topic creators point was still valid and Extrude didn't have to walk in and stuff all over the topic.
People these days.

I saw your comment there about not derailing the thread.
Someone who hasn't been infested with the urge to vomit all over the thread.

Meet Ovaltine.

Ovaltine, when mixed with milk or a milk substitute can make a very delicious choclate drink. It can be served cold or warm, and when served hot it can burn up to 20,000 mouths.

I find it kind of funny how a ton of threads have been locked  because of him. He's like an assassin.

Ooooh I love ovaltine! My mom would serve me a hot cup of it when I was sick when I was little
OT: Well that was off topic

To be honest, I support Hrvatski.
OP is what what in my starfish, kid friends with the guy who's topic this is based off of lol.

Oh yay Extrudes drama'ed.

extrode im going to shote you with a knife

extrode im going to shote you with a knife
-___- fukin get a spouse

extrud watch u not even hav a jobe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 By Aware14: Extrude has been around sence I have been making addons. And everyone he has insulted. I would very much like to see this kiddie banned. He doesn't nothing but hurt the public and troll everyone. I belive 90% of the forum would agree

^ And that's my cue to gtfo.