Author Topic: Hallowe'en Update  (Read 1418 times)

I know I'm a little late on this, but does this Hallowe'en update mean he's gonna add Christmas stuff, etc.? Sorry if this has already been asked.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2011, 08:59:07 PM by Electrk »

I'd say no to Thanksgiving, maybe to Christmas.

I'd say no to prevent a religion debate on christmas. But I think we could be civil.

There's nothing to add on Thanksgiving except for maybe a cooked Turkey brick, on Christmas I would only expect a Christmas tree and a present brick.

There's nothing to add on Thanksgiving except for maybe a cooked Turkey brick, on Christmas I would only expect a Christmas tree and a present brick.

Yeah, it does seem stupid now.

I'd say no to prevent a religion debate on christmas. But I think we could be civil.

Maybe just call it a Holiday Update?

Yeah, it does seem stupid now.

Maybe just call it a Holiday Update?
-Thumbs Up-

I'd say no to prevent a religion debate on christmas. But I think we could be civil.
We can say Happy Holidays.

Maybe just call it a Holiday Update?

"Happy Holidays! Here's your Christmas Tree!" It's just stupid. There's nothing really to add anyway. Halloween is for scares, but 'the holidays' are mostly mental, sentimental things. Nothing (virtual) physical to add.

Wouldn't count on it. I think the Halloween thing was just a unique test for the new version of Blockland.

I personally think that the update for Halloween went over wonderfully. It made me feel like an event was happening, an event I wanted to be a part of. It got me playing with more interest that's for sure.

I would LOVE to see more of the same maybe in the form of a new Mini game Type, random Easter eggs (Like the Face for Halloween) or something else entirely.

The only problem I with this is when it comes time to remove the holiday specials. They would have to be left in otherwise builds made around them would fall apart.
With enough time, these specials would be numerous and overwhelming, unless removed of course...

Christmas special we already have.

Why we got a default pine tree? To plant and chop at christmas obviously

Well we had a christmas themed badspot block party sooooo

What's really funny about Christmas being a subject for religious debate:
1. It isn't a Christian holiday - Despite popular belief, Christmas wasn't created by Christians, it was adopted as a way to convert Pagans so they wouldn't have to give up their traditions.
2. Christmas was originally to worship the pine tree, as it had the power to stay green all year long, and seemed magical to the Pagan people.
3. Everyone can relate to Santa Clause, even if he isn't real. Santa Clause actually was originally a real person who was simply trying to give children toys, when the tyrannical king declared toys to be evil.

3. Everyone can relate to Santa Clause, even if he isn't real. Santa Clause actually was originally a real person who was simply trying to give children toys, when the tyrannical king declared toys to be evil.
Where are you getting this information. That is completely wrong...

Anyway, I think seasonal updates would be interesting, but it would be hard to prevent such debates...

Where are you getting this information. That is completely wrong...
Actually, for #1 and #2, my memory from I have no idea how long ago, and #3 from my personal experience and memory.
I'm too lazy to go look it up somewhere.